This is Newsletter 3 Revision 1.0.2 from Ted Jesus Christ GOD. I AM Christ and God and the Creator and the Child prophesied to Come in Revelation 12:5 that the author is NOT familiar with the Women that is Teds Mother or the Child that is Ted. After Ted dies Ted is taken to the Throne of God because Ted is God! This is 07-11-04 and this is Ted saying I for over 7 years now have been getting DRASTICALLY HACKED from the Internet and Viruses Downloaded onto any of my Computers on the Internet and Email Erased and More DRASTIC HACKING and have been told LOUD SPIRITUALLY that this is Demons. Today I disconnected an Internet Computer from the Internet and then COMPLETELY reinstalled the operating system from scratch and then installed a program to send out this Newsletter 3 while completely physically disconnected from the Internet. I then very quickly connected this Internet Computer to the Internet and started sending this Newsletter 3 and verified that this was working and was sending and in less than 10 minutes I was DRASTICALLY HACKED where the Newsletter Sender was FAILING COMPLETELY and I could not get anything in an Internet Browser anymore. With reboots this could NOT be fixed or corrected and this was more DRASTIC HACKING. TJCG is INSISTING that this is PROOF that this is something with Spiritual Surveillance on Ted that can IMMEDIATELY STOP and THWART and SHUT DOWN Ted from certain Internet Operations and DEFINITELY DOES NOT want TJCG sending out HIS RELIGIOUS WORK in the form of Newsletters! Now Ted has been in Computers and Software for much of Teds Career and Ted is certain that NO Human can work that FAST to DRASTICALLY HACK Ted to STOP Ted from sending out this Newsletter 3. Ted was DRASTICALLY HACKED similar to this when TRYING to send out Newsletter 2 and therefore did not send this out to many and only manually sent this out to a few. Some will exclaim that this is the FBI or Law Enforcement and these do NOT BLOCK like this! Some will say that these are Human Hackers and Ted does NOT understand how these could or would be camping out monitoring EVERYTHING that Ted did and WHY that MOTIVATED! Ted for years has heard LOUD SPIRITUALLY that the Demons many of Those look almost exactly or exactly like Human Men and Those are also on the Internet and use Telephones and Faxes and Cellular Phones and Pagers and Communications Technology and have Utility Bills and Rent and Lease Payments and Own Real Estate and have Cars and Drive and have Drivers Licenses and more. For over 7 years and before this Ted has been DRASTICALLY HACKED on the Internet and at first Ted thought this was Humans on a DRASTIC BENT AGAINST Ted and now for many years after the 40 days and 40 nights has been TOLD LOUD SPIRITUALLY by Spiritual Things identifying themselves to be the LightSide and the Hosts of Ancient Heaven and the Hosts of Ancient Heaven Designated to answer Ted and Angels of Light and Michael and Gabriel that this is a PLOT of Satan or Devil and Demons and Those doings with the fingers of Demons actually on Keyboards and looking with Those Eyes on Computer Screens and performing DRASTIC HACKING of Ted and this EVERY STEP that Ted takes where Ted can do Those ENORMOUS DAMAGE! Ted is CONVINCED that if Ted was HELPING out Satan or Devil and Demons then Those would NOT be DRASTICALLY HACKING Ted! Therefore this is another indicator to Ted that HE is really THE ONE and THE REAL ONE and THE RIGHT ONE and THE ACTUAL ONE and THE ONE LIVING GOD that has Come and is prophesied to be born and this a nativity again in Revelation 12:5 that the author is UNFAMILIAR with the Women and the Child and therefore the Women cannot be Mary and is Teds Mother and this Child cannot be Jesus of Nazareth and is Ted! This child when dies is taken up to the Throne of God and this because this Child is God! Some WONDER then how do the Hosts of Ancient Heaven operate while TJCG is on World Earth that Ted can get anything accomplished? They hold back and operate out of THREATS and if you do that then we will do this or many more things and this gets Those to accept tradeoffs and back off. What do the six thousand years written in the Great Controversy and the name of the Seventh Day Adventist Church that tells you that the Seventh Day is the Day of the Advent and the Seventh Day and the Millennium and Jubilee and Jubilee 2000 and before Y2K Clergy in ALL Christian Churches and some entire Christian Churches teaching and preaching that the Second Coming of Jesus Christ was anticipated or would happen and over a Billion Christians STRONGLY INSPIRED that Jesus Christ would Come and More that are related ALL have in COMMON? This was at Y2K and this was the time that Ted was suppose to be LEGALLY PROCLAIMED and LEGALLY DECLARED and LEGALLY PUBLIC enough out to be Christ and God and the Creator and More and Ted was and Ted is God! For a SIGN there has been an ENORMOUS amount of White and Yellow and Blue and some Purple propagated on World Earth and some of these Color Combinations that are the Royal Colors and Royal Color Combinations of Ted Jesus Christ GOD and the Hosts of Ancient Heaven. Ted while on a large Sail Boat of Teds that was anchored in the San Diego Bay had a SEVERE 40 days and 40 nights and had many LOUD SPIRITUAL EVENTS that included Visions and Dreams and Hearing Loud Spiritual Voices and More that convinced Ted that Ted was and is actually a distant descendent of the Jewish King David and is the Son of Man and the Son of David and the actual Second Coming of Jesus Christ and this through a BLOODLINE and a NATIVITY and NOT from remote or in the sky or in clouds. Ted after this has been WORKING VERY HARD in RELIGION and MUCH MORE THAN RELIGION and had to get out of the Computer and Software and Internet Industry and did. Ted was told many times that what Hitler did was to eliminate a BLOODLINE and LINAGE that HE could not have a Second Coming and Return from a NATIVITY. Ted did NOT have a breakdown and this is NOT mental and is SPIRITUAL. Ted has begged and pleaded and prayed many times to God to get and this was calculated to be for over 7 years from 3.5 years before Y2K to 2004 over 22 thousand times an answer and then from Michael the Angel and Gabriel the Angel and more Top Angels the answer was given telling Ted that Ted is the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Ted looks like Jesus and there is a similarity and this because Ted is a branch from David also. This is NOT SPAM and you had better STOP sending email and HARASSING the Service Providers and Web Hosting Companies and Email Providers of this sender and company or you will be sued for many dollars and this for ILLEGALLY HARASSING and FALSELY ACCUSING and LYING that you have been sent SPAM and email bombed and more. You NEED to read ALL of the legal notice information below and this before jeopardizing you and or your company for HARASSING and FALSELY ACCUSING and COMMITTING DEFAMATION of Character and LIABLE and SLANDER and UNFAIR Business practices for you that are doing this that are complainers or flamers and trouble makers and competitors! It is that these have been INSTRUCTED to forward ALL complaints to us for review and investigation and sent to legal if this is something where we can pursue them and win or sue them and win and report them to the FBI and More. We have had ENOUGH of some HARASSING and ATTEMPTING to get us knocked down when we send CAN SPAM Act of 2003 COMPLIANT Newsletters. Because of people like this the Internet Sites related to this Newsletter have been knocked down and this temporarily and will be up sometime later. This is a CAN SPAM Act of 2003 COMPLIANT Newsletter and can be sent to any email address that exist until these opt-out and this is TRUE and this is NOT SPAM! Per the CAN SPAM Act of 2003 there is NOTHING that specifies that frequent emails cannot be sent and there is NO interval specified. Also there is NOTHING that tells you that you cannot send email to specific email accounts intended for a certain use or purpose. An Internet Service Provider or Hosting Provider or Email Provider is NOT to be looking into the opt-out email queue or any email of any company and these have to ask PERMISSION to access these accounts and look at any email. Some want to ARGUE otherwise and then why is a Telephone Company asking PERMISSION to access their database on a customer and get their personal information? Because if not doing this this VIOLATES PRIVACY laws! Ted Jesus Christ GOD will now PROACTIVELY SUE anybody and everybody that does anything where Ted Jesus Christ God can SUE and cover the court costs and legal fees and attorney fees and win. Ted Jesus Christ GOD has had DEATH THREATS and therefore cannot put out Teds REAL identity anymore and that was a HUGE MISTAKE and that now NEEDS to be COVERED UP! Ted for years has owned handguns and guns and shotguns and is an EXPERT SHOT with a Colt 45 Gold Cup Competition Hand Gun that Ted uses only Hollow Point Ammunition in and can put a HUGE HOLE in any Threat or Intruder. Ted can shoot and did shoot often and can hit cans in the ocean off of a 12 Ton and three mast large Sail Boat that is actually a Yacht of Teds under FULL Sail and at long distances and this is a can moving in the water from a fast moving Sail Boat! Ted owns a TOP OF THE LINE Bullet Proof Vest with a Cardiac Plate. Ted has other Security Devices and Security. Ted is now claiming Copyright and Trademarks and Licensing like Software to ALL of Teds past Internet Sites and Writings and Works and is NOT putting them out there in the Public Domain anymore and is PULLING ALL OF THEM OFF of the Internet and is taking them back that Ted can CONTROL this content. There have also been more than enough that have copied Internet Sites of Teds and had photos missing and graphics missing and pages missing and links missing and this was SLOPPY and CARELESS and NOT what this is suppose to be and therefore Ted is claiming Copyright and Trademarks and Software Licensing to EVERYTHING Ted has ever published or written or was ever put on the Internet. There are GOOD reasons for this that include SECURITY and QUALITY CONTROL and MORE. For SECURITY REASONS Ted now is only using the name of Ted Jesus Christ GOD and it was a HUGE MISTAKE to put out Teds REAL Identity! Ted is now putting ALL Christian Churches and Christians on Trail and this is an example of what has been started and this will be Published on the Internet Site when this is back up again. Ted is THE JUDGE and also sometimes against some takes the Role of the Prosecutor and for some takes the Role of the Defender. Ted has numerous times over the past 7 years made Legal Demands for ALL Christian Churches and certain Christian Churches and for EVERYTHING these own in the slightest that HE could use these resource to accomplish what HE has to accomplish in HIS 100% Human Life Time only to get a response of SILENCE and NOTHING and getting IGNORED! Some have tried to cause TJCG PROBLEMS and have reported TJCG to the FBI and Law Enforcement and talked about doing some Lawsuits against Ted. We are now beyond 7 Years of TJCG only making LEGAL DEMANDS and this is now that you are getting CHARGED and PROSECUTED and are going to TRIAL! The Penalty if you LOOSE is ETERNAL DEATH and you are LOST or getting Resurrected in the Hell Sector of Ancient Heaven in an Evil Ugly Brain and Body and in Prison Conditions and having to be COMPLETELY NAKED and that is known to be Hell! For Hell the men get the tiniest penis imaginable and the women and females get almost no breasts and are Ugly and some Evil Ugly and some Evil Ugly and Smelly and that Drool and some with Growing Old Curse also! This is the Hottest part of Ancient Heaven and is now called Ancient Heaven that is a Planet and this is to be and is called now Ancient Hell. It is that Hades will be another World that is getting Created later. It is that there are many from Planets to Marbles to Worlds that are getting Recreated from Heaven Grade Planets down to Hell Grade Worlds and this is a Reorganization that is in progress. First of all TJCG is insisting from a Bible that is the King James Version and the Version in English that HE keeps hearing LOUD SPIRITUALLY is the most accurate where does this have written that PROVES enough that Jesus changed the Sabbath from the Sabbath of from Sundown on Friday Night to Sundown on the Sabbath Day that per Secular terms is Saturday to Sunday? NOBODY can do this. Now many Christian Churches have Doctrines that the Bible is Perfect or Infallible or without Flaw or Completely Inspired and therefore cannot have any Inaccuracies or Deceptions or Problems. Then TJCG is reading Isaiah 9:6 from the King James Version and reading from the MOST RESPECTED Prophet in the Old Testament of Isaiah that the Titles to the Messiah include 'The mighty God' and 'the everlasting Father'! Now Ted is insisting that this is God and the Father and NOT the Son of God! Therefore if this is an Infallible verse then Jesus was a FALSE Messiah for letting many address Jesus to be the Son of God! From this Ted ARGUES that Jesus was only accused by Satan or Devil and Demons and Disciples and People to be the Son of God and actually during the Temptations from the King James Version this is from Matthew 4:5,6,7 this reads, "Then the devil taketh him up into the holy city, and setteth him on a pinnacle of the temple. And saith unto him, if thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down: for it is written, He shall give the angels charge concerning thee: and in their hands they shall bear thee up, lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone. Jesus said unto him, It is written again, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God. This reply is an ENORMOUS INCONSISTENCY with the IDENTITY and Title of Son of God because this reply is saying and claiming to be the Lord and God. TJCG is INSISTING that Jesus was NOT the Son of God and that Jesus was God. This is WHY there is NOTHING in the Old Testament prophesied that the Messiah would be the Son of God or called the Son of God. In fact there is NOTHING written in the entire Old Testament to Bibles about the Son of God. TJCG keeps getting told LOUD SPIRITUALLY from things identifying themselves to be Michael the Angel and Gabriel the Angel and more Top Angels that there was not and is NOT a God Head or a Triune God or a Trinity and that HE is THE ONE LIVING GOD! TJCG is asking any Christian Church or Clergy to show HIM 1 verse in the Old Testament of the King James Version of Bibles that prophesies that the Messiah and Christ will be the Son of God? These cannot and the Title and Identity of Son of God is NOWHERE in the Old Testament anywhere! Therefore either Bibles have MAJOR PROBLEMS that include Inaccuracies and Inconsistencies and Deceptions Infiltrated in and Misinformation and More and these DO or Jesus was a FALSE Messiah and a FALSE Christ! TJCG is saying that ALL Christian Churches and Christian Clergy and Christians Teachers and Christian Workers and Christians had better take this Trial SERIOUSLY because this is for their LIVES! Therefore ANSWER THE QUESTION and this with a plain and simple YES or NO and I COMMAND you to DO this Verbally while reading this? Do you still INSIST that Bibles or at least a certain Version or Translation or Paraphrase is Perfect or Infallible or without Flaw? If you answered YES then I charge you with Worshipping what appears to be a FALSE Messiah and a FALSE Christ because with ALL Versions and Translations and Paraphrases of current Bibles I can PROVE that NO WHERE in the Old Testament was the Messiah and Christ prophesied to be the Son of God and that Title and Identity! For over 7 years now Ted has had tiny response from the Christian Churches and Christian Clergy and Christians and therefore by being SILENT during this Trail you are doing this to yourselves because you can send Ted letters to the physical mailing address in your defense! You NEED to SPEAK NOW or FOREVER HOLD YOUR PEACE! This TRIAL is in progress and this is TJCG saying I AM CERTAIN I will have much more than enough to PROSECUTE and CONVICT ALL Christian Churches and Clergy and Christians to ETERNAL DEATH or Ancient Hell that do NOT CLOSELY WORSHIP and FOLLOW and OBEY me before I SLAM THE DOOR SHUT to the Wedding Feast and also the TJCG Sailing Ark and say to the remainder I KNOW YOU NOT! The First 7 Years of the Writings of TJCG that are over 4000 files and about 200 Megabytes and over 10K printed pages of information has been Revised quite a bit from what was out on the Internet and can be purchased for $297.00 and this on a CD that is in STANDARD Internet Site Format and this is Copyrighted and has Trademarks in this and this is a Single Right To Use License like a Software License to use directly off of and only off of the CD and cannot be copied onto a Computer or put up on a Network or an Intranet or Internet or shared. See Bundled Products and Services for more information and a link is provided on the Internet Site. Ted estimates this did cost Ted at least 37 Million Dollars in Teds own money and also lost income from doing other things and sacrifices made and resources to fund this work. Now if Ted would have in these 7 years FOCUSED on Secular Things and Taking a Company Public that Ted had and has the ability to DO and also WANTS to DO then Ted would have made Billions! Therefore Ted is ARGUING that Ted has sacrificed Billions for this and few seemed to appreciate this because in over 7 years BELIEVE THIS OR NOT Ted received NOTHING in donations and NOT a cent for Teds RELIGIOUS WORK. Now the Hosts of Ancient Heaven that are also on my payroll have worked ENORMOUSLY HARD on my RELIGIOUS WORK and WRITINGS and MORE and Ted is asking for them to estimate how much did these SPEND on these 7 years? This has been at least a Zillion Dollars and you have over 12 Million Hosts of Ancient Heaven currently and many FOCUSED on your Work on World Earth. Actually this is PRICELESS and there cannot be a dollar value placed on this. If you want to understand more WHY Ted is now charging you can read Legal on the Internet Site of after reading this entire page and this link is found at the bottom of the index page. This explains this and there are GOOD reasons actually. Ted will offer GOOD quantity and other discounts to Churches that are to the RIGHT enough for the poor. This is now and ALL of the writings of Ted Jesus Christ GOD are now Copyright and have Trade Marks and a Right to Use License like Software and this from 1997 through 2004 Ted Jesus Christ GOD and you cannot Copy any of these Writings or Internet Sites or the site of now or into the future or put this anywhere else on the Internet and Ted has decided that only CLOSE FAMILY and FAMILY and then the Family and Descendents of TJCG can and will Organize and Maintain and Market and Sell and Distribute HIS Writings and only HIS BLOODLINE and LINE and LINAGE that these will do a RESPONSIBLE JOB at this and this will also HELP to Support them and Take Care of them and provide Security for them! Ted Jesus Christ GOD is Trademark 1997 through 2004 Ted Jesus Christ GOD who also has a Real Person Identity that Ted keeps PRIVATE for SECURITY reasons and can prove this enough that Ted is Ted Jesus Christ GOD. Some now WANT to UNDERSTAND WHY Ted would now enforce Copyrights and Trademarks and License Teds Writings and Publishing's like Software. First Ted now has SECURITY PROBLEMS and has to make sure that Ted has LEGAL CONTROL over all of Teds Writings and Photos of Ted and Photos or Others and Images and Graphics and More. Secondly Ted found many making copies and with many to all graphics missing and pages missing and links broken and a COMPLETELY IMPROPER distribution of HIS RELIGIOUS WORK that took HIM ENORMOUS SACRIFICE and TORMENT and EFFORT and MORE to produce. Then Ted saw what looked to be Demons and Satanist and Atheist and Idol Worshippers and Muslims and DarkSide Humans and some in Judaism and some Christians making DRASTICALLY DEROGATORY comments and taking things out of context and committing much DEFAMATION of CHARACTER and LIABLE and SLANDER and DISRESPECT and HAZING and MORE to HURT and or DAMAGE and or DESTROY Ted. There are many more GOOD reasons WHY the entire RELIGIOUS Writings of TJCG that include any Copies made and any Internet Sites put out there by Ted that were Religious now are Copyrighted and have Trademarks in them and have to be and are Licensed Like Software with a Right To Use License to use only the CD and NOT copy this onto any Computer or put this up on any Network for sharing or any Intranet or any Internet or publish this in any hard copy form or photo copy this. It is that ALL of the Writings of TJCG from the past and into the future have to be CONTROLLED by TJCG and in the near future the CLOSE FAMILY of TJCG and then FAMILY of TJCG and then Family of TJCG and then Descendents of TJCG that are VERY CAREFUL and pay CLOSE ATTENTION to details and make and organize and distribute this PROPERLY! Therefore the EXPERIMENT to put this out there FREE and LEGALLY UNENCUMBERED and WITH NO STRINGS ATTACHED and ROYALTY FREE and MORE that is related is over and that EXPERIMENT FAILED! Ted can change HIS mind on this and claim Copyright and Trademarks and Licensing like Software for this now and PULL THIS OFF the Internet and elsewhere now and into the future and TAKE THIS BACK and Ted is! Ted also WANTS to provide a method for Revenue that Ted can hire Employees for The Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company and and start Ramping Up and Organizing the information and Distributing the Information PROPERLY and hiring Family also and that these can be Supported and get an Income and WORK VERY HARD and RAMP UP these Operations. Ted had many EXPENSES and for over 7 Years believe this or not Ted did not get a penny in any donations for any of Teds RELIGIOUS WORK and this to help with expenses and operations and hiring of employees and getting new Computers and Software and More that is NEEDED to do any type of work including Religious Work! I had a VIVID Dream and the Dream was about a large power boat that was full of water and almost sinking beyond salvage and there were crew and I trying to start the engine and get the bilge pumps kicking in and working and pumping out all of the water and when the engine was started the boat started to and did empty of water and unfortunately this was stuck in gear and in reverse and was then going at full speed backwards and this out of control and deflecting off of and bouncing off of other boats and then I started to drive this while going full speed backwards that we would not CRASH and we ended up shooting off of the side of the water off of a small cliff and onto a sandy beach and ending in a smaller crash then this could have been. Now what was that TRYING to send in a Message? You are out of control backwards now with the securing of your Religious Writings we think and we think this will backfire and cause many to get upset. Ted is saying that I have been a first hand witnesses with my own two eyes now for years on the Internet things making SLOPPY copies of my Writings and putting them up and out there with NO regard for QUALITY or QUALITY CONTROL or ACCURACY or any type of TRYING to obtain PERFECTION with this and these were LAZY and RELAXED and SLOPPY and some taking parts here and there and photos and photos here and there and attempting to be DISRESPECTFUL and MEAN and MORE and my Descendents will be DEFENDERS of THE WORD and KEEPERS of THE WORD and PROTECTORS of THE WORD and this will include their Version of the Old Testament to Bibles and the New Testament to Bibles and if these can wrestle this from the E. G. White Estate and the Seventh Day Adventist then also the Great Controversy that I also WANT to include in the Third Testament to Bibles and that has much history from the time of me when Jesus of Nazareth up to Ted Jesus Christ GOD and PROPHESYING the EXACT time of my Second Coming and Return and Seventh Day Advent. Ted has also for over 7 years not made a penny from Teds RELIGIOUS WORK and Ted has to live and eat and survive and was Rich when starting this and has spent much of Teds own money and resources and sold the Sail Boat or Yacht also that was a PRIZED thing of Teds and used ALL of that money also to do this also and Ted closed down a Software Company completely that if FIGHTING Ted could have kept open and ramped up again and was told while doing this RELIGIOUS WORK Ted lost Millions of Dollars in Sales and DEFINITELY before Y2K there were many looking to purchase Y2K Updates to their Software and this was also the US Air Force and US Government and Ted lost many Millions immediately before Y2K also in revenue and Ted cannot continue this for free and has to make money and start up a Company doing this and get this Under HIS CONTROL and make sure this is QUALITY and CAREFUL and SECURE and ORGANIZED and REORGANIZED and VAULTED and Released and Published and Printed and Fixed Up and Edited some and More and well the E. G. White Estate does this with ALL of the Writings of Ellen G. White and WHY cannot Ted then? Well we guess that you can. This is NOT only for the Seventh Day Adventist and this is for ALL Christians on World Earth and ALL on World Earth including then in Judaism and ALL of them that believe in God or Jesus and the remainder KEEP THEM IN THE DARK and the remainder are LOST and the remainder are FORSAKEN and I KNOW THEM NOT! Some are saying Ted is charging too much money for this and LOOK at all of the FANCY Cathedrals and Churches and with much Gold and the Rich Doctors and Rich Dentist that are suppose to be into a Healing Ministry if following the example of me when Jesus of Nazareth and nobody except for I seem to accuse them and Ted is saying that a lower middle income Human can AFFORD the prices and this and these do NOT need to purchase new cars that often and have 2 or 3 vehicles per family and LOOK at all of the Black and or Silver Color Coded for Evil Televisions and VCR's and Cable Connections and Satellites and Satellite Connections and Stereos and Surround Sound Systems and Wide Screen Televisions and Home Theater Systems and CD Players and DVD Players and Computers for Home Entertainment and Computers for Entertainment and Games and Video Game Systems and Video Games you purchase and you seem to FIND MORE THAN ENOUGH MONEY for them and therefore if you want you can easily find the money for the Writings of TJCG at the current prices that are to HELP you and your family with many things including your Salvation and how to obtain Salvation. Like these have Companies to produce QUALITY Products and Services it is that TJCG now NEEDS to ramp up a Company to produce QUALITY Products and Services related to HIS RELIGIOUS WRITINGS and RELIGIOUS WORK and WORK! A sampling of this will remain on the Internet for FREE. Now LOOK at all of the CD's and DVD's and Software and More that Humans purchase that costs Millions of Dollars to Produce and the Writing of Ted Jesus Christ GOD in the first 7 Years Ted estimates at least costs Ted 37 Million Dollars to Produce! It takes MONEY to Produce QUALITY Products and Services and then to Translate this and Distribute this World Wide! Ted NEEDS to Start Up a Company related to HIS Writings and Organize them and Reorganize them and Publish them and Distributed them and MORE! We can call this a name like the Ted Jesus Christ GOD Corporation and offer Stock Options and TRY to take this Public also! Then Ted will have the money to Translate this into ALL Languages and Market and Sell and Distribute this World Wide with an ENORMOUS RAMP UP! Then you can own part of Ted Jesus Christ GOD Corporation and ownership can be shared and the MAJORITY for CONTROL will be held by TJCG and then future Descendents of Ted Jesus Christ GOD. Ted is saying how much SACRIFICE and TORMENT and WORK and RISKS and MORE including SECURITY RISKS and Research and Development and Writing and Product Development and Marketing and Advertising and More does Ted have to take on Teds self before Ted has to and needs to and is requiring the ability to SECURE HIS WORK and make this and keep this QUALITY and start a Company related to this and get Employees and Ramp Up? We AGREE or the Hosts of Ancient Heaven AGREE you can have your CLOSE FAMILY doing this and then FAMILY and then Family and then Descendents and we would LIKE to keep this Company 100% PRIVATE and IN THE FAMILY 100%! Ted then AGREES to that. The prices can be lowered later and like with any BRAND NEW Product or Service that is UNIQUE this usually has larger prices at first and this to defray initial Product Development Costs and then this is lowered later. These seem to FIND THE MONEY for their CD's and DVD's and Computers and Software and Internet Connections and many times is for their Entertainment and Televisions and Wide Screen Televisions and Flat Screen Televisions and Large Definition Televisions and VCR's and Video Tapes and DVD Players and Satellite Connections and Cable Connections and Stereos and Home Theater Systems and Surround Sound Systems and Boom Boxes and CD Players and Batteries for all of this stuff and Video Games Systems and Video Games and Subscriptions to things online like Magazines and Internet Sites and for some of you Pornography and More and these FUND Hollywood and the Secular Music Industry ENORMOUSLY that are Christians and them and more and therefore WHY are these going to COMPLAIN about Ted Jesus Christ GOD now charging for HIS Internet Sites HE Designs and Writes and WORKS VERY HARD on and FUNDS that HE does WANT to keep PROFESSIONAL and QUALITY and PROPERLY Organized and Translated and Marketed and Sold and Distributed and More? Because these think you should be into COMPLETE SELF SACRIFICE! Ted is ARGUING that if you WANT a QUALITY Product and or Service you have to pay QUALITY prices. Now LOOK also at all of the Bibles that are in leather and with Gold Leaf and are EXPENSIVE now and some over $100.00 and then the Books of Ellen G. White and if purchasing a complete set you spend at least or over $1,000.00 and then many Religious Books and CD's and these charge competitive prices and therefore WHY cannot TJCG charge also and PRODUCE a QUALITY Product and or Service? You can and you will. This EXPERIMENT of putting ALL of Ted Jesus Christ GOD's work out there only for donations FAILED and Ted has expenses and operating expenses and Ted does WANT to start to hire Employees that are HIS Females and are CLOSE FAMILY that can HELP Ted with Organizing and Editing and Translating and Marketing and Selling and Distributing and More and then to KEEP THIS IN THE FAMILY 100% into the future that these will be and are and will continue to be THE DEFENDERS of THE WORD and THE KEEPERS of THE WORD and THE PROTECTORS of THE WORD that is to include the Old Testament and the New Testament and the Great Controversy and the Writings of Ted Jesus Christ GOD that get into the Third Testament of Bibles and then ALL of the other Writings of TJCG. Ted Jesus Christ GOD is JUDGING that ALL future Prophets are to come from and only from the BLOODLINE and LINE and LINAGE of Ted Jesus Christ GOD! Ted Jesus Christ GOD is JUDGING that every 3K years on World Earth there will be a Ted Jesus Christ GOD Instance that is a Human Instance of THE ONE LIVING GOD and this will be under the ENORMOUS CONTROL of GOD and will be THINKING like GOD and FEELING like GOD and TALKING like GOD and WRITING like GOD and MORE like GOD and this will NOT be GOD 100% this will be about less then a fraction of a percent of GOD. Therefore from now on ALL future Comings do NOT and will NOT require God to be Executed in Ancient Heaven that HE can be transferred to World Earth legally to an infant and then this is God that God cannot be physically two places at 1 time. Therefore this will be around 3K years from Y2K. This will have to be a DESCENDENT of Ted Jesus Christ GOD and from HIS BLOODLINE and LINE and LINAGE and from a PURE enough BLOODLINE of HIS! Therefore the Descendents of TJCG are ENORMOUSLY IMPORTANT for ALL Humans on World Earth! TJCG does AGREE that discounts and quantity discounts can and will be offered to Churches that are to the RIGHT enough. Then these can distribute these for free to the poor. Now WHY did and does the E. G. White Estate keep her notes SECURED in a Vault and not printed up and distributed to the Seventh Day Adventist Church? These were NOT ready and these were hand written. Then what about Teds over 7 Years of Writings that are NOT ready and are ROUGH DRAFT to say the least and RAW and with DRASTIC CUSSING and EXACTLY what Ted heard from Satan or Devil that CUSSES like the WORST PIMP IMAGINABLE? The Clergy are STUDYING this and are figuring out you were DRASTICALLY POSSESSED or you are THE ONE. Ted is INSISTING that HE is NOT here only for the Seventh Day Adventist and HE had to be in some Christian Church and Jesus was also in a certain Sect of Judaism that made all other Sects NOT want to accept Jesus and to mostly reject Jesus or deny Jesus or minimum be upset. Now are there other Christian Churches and Christians STUDYING about TJCG? YES TJCG is saying GOOD! Ted is now Starting Up some Companies and going to TRY to take them Public and Ted does UNDERSTAND how to do this and before this Religious Work Ted did Found and Start Up and Ramp up a Successful Multi-Million Dollar Company and was a Millionaire and has also been WORKING VERY HARD for over 7 years while doing this RELIGIOUS WORK and this SECRETLY on Product Development and Business and New Business Development and Internet Site Development and getting ready to Start Up and then ramp up some Companies and this time TRYING to take them Public. If you are a Young Beautiful and Intelligent Female you can make over a Million Dollars working for and with and being involved with Ted Jesus Christ GOD. Read more after you read this entire page from the Internet Site of and get into the Table of Contents and this is found at the TOP of the Table of Contents! Keep reading! Ted can HELP you if you HELP Ted to PROSPER and get RICH and obtain for some GREAT RICHES! This is within reach. Ted is working on this already with some. WHY do you have to be a Young and Beautiful and Intelligent Female? You will have to read WHY to understand. Please do not jump to any conclusions too quick and read about this later. The Writings of TJCG are moving more to a Magazine format that takes a Year to write and is for an entire Year where you get periodic complete start overs and the old issues are taken OFF of the Internet and then can be purchased on CD and are off of the Internet. Later these can be organized into Books with illustrations and graphics and images and photos format. There is also TJCG Information on some other CD Subscriptions that were NEVER put on the Internet. Then the Third Testament to Bibles also has to still be Organized and this will take many years or actually the entire life time of Ted Jesus Christ GOD and this will take the VERY HARD WORK of CLOSE FAMILY on the payroll. We will sell Drafts of this on CD later. You can purchase back issues of the TJCG Year Long Internet Magazines and also TJCG OFF of the Internet Year Long Magazines for $97.00 each and these are distributed on a CD and are Copyrighted and has Trademarks in this and this is a Single Right To Use License like a Software License to use directly off of and only off of the CD and cannot be copied onto a Computer or put up on a Network or an Intranet or Internet or shared. On this Coming Ted is NOT the lamb that much and Ted is the Lion of Judah and THE LION and if you were to put a mood to Ted in general this is how Ted would LOOK and this is that Ted is on the prowl and can and does take SWIPES at individuals and groups and Churches and Leaders and entire Countries and Nations and sometimes ALL of World Earth and has LEARNED to be more of a PREDATOR towards any of them that are any shape or form of predatory towards HIM and HE will attack and attack the juggler of past enemies and any that are an enemy. Ted has heard some of the prayers to put the site up again. Now you NEED to realize that currently I Am only Human and I cannot hear every prayer and I do not get all information and also Satan or Devil and Demons sometimes can BLOCK prayers and BLOCK information to me and DECEIVE and the Hosts of Ancient Heaven do the best these can to get to me vital information and important prayers. What do the six thousand years written in the Great Controversy and the name of the Seventh Day Adventist Church that tells you that the Seventh Day is the Day of the Advent and the Seventh Day and the Millennium and Jubilee and Jubilee 2000 and More that are related ALL have in COMMON? This was at Y2K and this was the time that Ted was suppose to be LEGALLY PROCLAIMED and LEGALLY DECLARED and LEGALLY PUBLIC enough out to be Christ and God and the Creator and More and Ted was and Ted is God! For a SIGN there has been an ENORMOUS amount of White and Yellow and Blue and some Purple propagated on World Earth and some of these Color Combinations that are the Royal Colors and Royal Color Combinations of Ted Jesus Christ GOD and the Hosts of Ancient Heaven. This is now 07-10-04 and the Signs are NOT happening like these used to happen before Y2K and Ted is praying to God and BEGGING God to get through and tell me Who Am I and what is happening? Ted you are God and these are the Hosts of Ancient Heaven now Designated to answer and also Michael and Gabriel referenced in Bibles and the Signs are SLOW COMING because Satan or Devil out bid us on a DRASTIC LEVEL to THWART the Signs for now. Well before Y2K when I COMMANDED for the US Stock Markets to be taken up and then down and then up and down again and then to KEEP TAKING THEM DOWN this was to the tune of over a Trillion Dollars DOWN and WHY now is this NOT happening like before Y2K? Because far more are WATCHING and WAITING and LOOKING and OBSERVING and WITNESSING and Satan or Devil is THWARTING this now. Now is not God GREATER and STRONGER and can get more RESULTS than or over Satan or Devil? NO not true on World Earth and World Earth is a DARK World that is mostly Satan or Devils World and this is TRUE and Satan or Devil has much more COMMAND over World Earth than God or the Hosts of Ancient Heaven and this is WHY Jesus had to die on the cross to Save Humans and this is WHY we had the Dark Ages and this is WHY we have the Sunday Laws and far too many Sunday Keepers and the Humans to the RIGHT enough are a tiny minority actually. Therefore Ted you and the Hosts of Ancient Heaven were THWARTED DRASTICALLY by Satan or Devil and Demons and this is TRUE. This is TJCG saying now that I GUARANTEE you that I Am Christ and God and the Great I Am and are the child born in Revelation 12:5 and where the women and child were NOT familiar to the author and was NOT Jesus of Nazareth. This child when dies is taken up to the throne of God and this is Ted and I Am God. What does six thousand years written in the Great Controversy and the Seventh Day and the Seventh Day Advent and the Millennium and Jubilee and Jubilee 2000 ALL have in common? This was when Christ and God was suppose to be here and this is a NATIVITY and this is Ted and I Am a distant descendent of the Jewish King David and I Am the Lion of Judah and I Am THE MOST ROYAL THING on World Earth and in Ancient Heaven and in the entire Infinite Universe and this is TRUE! It is that after my 40 days and 40 nights that started exactly at 3.5 years before Y2K Angels of Light and Angels talk to me LOUD SPIRITUALLY EVERY DAY AND NIGHT! What proves that this is a nativity? Well what Hitler did was to ATTEMPT to eliminate ALL Jewish and ALL Davidic Royal Bloodline and Satan or Devil through Hitler tried to PREVENT a Second Coming Nativity and this is WHY the Swastika is a BROKEN CROSS SYMBOL! WHY the name of Ted Jesus Christ GOD? Because Ted is saying I AM Ted and I AM Jesus and I AM Christ and I AM GOD. WHY do you think that the President of the United States of America and Leaders of ALL Countries and Nations and the Pope and Religious Leaders and Political Leaders and More have to have ENORMOUS SECURITY? This is because there are PLENTY of nut bars out there and nut cases and them that like to hurt or harass or assassinate these types of people. Ted is FAR GREATER than the President of the United States or any World Earth Business or Religious or Political Leaders or the Pope. It only takes 1 person on a DRASTIC BENT to ASSASSINATE Ted Jesus Christ GOD and then HE could end up ASSASSINATED before HE finished what HE has to do! Now if you want to be a trouble maker or problem or security problem for Ted Jesus Christ GOD and put up the first 7 years of the Writings of Ted Jesus Christ GOD or any writings of Ted Jesus Christ GOD for the first 7 years while Ted is still alive on World Earth that has far too many photos and names and identifiers and more then Ted will report you to the FBI and TRY to knock this down and COMPLAIN to abuse departments and WORK on finding out your TRUE identity. You see it seems that the Demons that are on the Internet and these are and the Satanist and Atheist and them that are Gay and Bisexual and Lesbian and Homosexual and Idol Worshippers and Muslims and some Others and a few Jewish and a few in Judaism and a few in Christianity are DRASTICALLY HOSTILE towards TJCG and this can be seen on the Internet. It is that ANYBODY can get some bodies Credit Card and Debit Card Information and More and set up an Internet Site and take photos from a persons Personal Site and or Business Site and set up Email Accounts and send Newsletters and this is IDENTITY THEFT and is FRAUD and is a CRIME and this happens in HUGE amounts on the Internet and this all of the time. Now unless you can ABSOLUTELY PROVE that Ted Jesus Christ GOD is this other or some other person you had better realize you can be in or get in TROUBLE if you publicize that or continue to write about this or continue to insist that Ted Jesus Christ GOD is some other person. You can be reported to the FBI. You can be reported to abuse departments. Your Internet Sites that have this written on them can and will be KNOCKED DOWN off of the Internet! If you find a person with this other identity name and these from their own lips tell you that I Am Ted Jesus Christ GOD you had better realize that this could be another person or identity theft or mistaken identity! Any that attempt to accuse certain people of being or claiming to be or proclaiming to be Ted Jesus Christ GOD had first better be able to PROVE this in court or these will be SUED and SUED and SUED and this MINIMUM! There also have been some FRAME UPS and HOAXES going about and this about the TRUE Identity of Ted Jesus Christ GOD. There have been HACKERS MESSING with Ted Jesus Christ GOD. There have been DRASTIC HACKERS MESSING with Ted Jesus Christ GOD that HE is told LOUD SPIRITUALLY from the Hosts of Ancient Heaven are Demons and Satanist and Atheist and DarkSide Humans and them that are Gay and Bisexual and Lesbian and Homosexual and Idol Worshippers and Muslims and More and also a few in Judaism and some Christians. You see you cannot believe everything you read in Newspapers and in Magazines and definitely NOT on the Internet! Why else for the ENORMOUS COVER UP? There were also some things for the US Government that the US Government has CLASSIFIED TOP SECRET and about how SECRET this gets for National Security and National Defense and National Terrorist Security and MORE. Ted is God of the Old Testament. Ted is Jesus of the New Testament. Ted is the child prophesied to be born in Revelation 12:5 and that is UNFAMILIAR to the author and is a future event. Ted is Jesus Christ. Ted is the Creator. Ted is the Alpha and the Omega. Ted is the One that Created ALL of Ancient Heaven and ALL of World Earth and more in the Infinite Universe. Ted will pull some things from the past that are still in progress forward and keep working on them and keep them up on like the in progress Third Testament to Bibles. Ted is saying for years now I have owned guns and I prefer the Colt 45 Gold Cup Competition Hand Gun and I can shoot a moving can in the water at a long distance with my favorite colt 45 off of a moving Sail Boat under full sail and this from a moving sail boat and a moving can in the ocean at a long distance. I prefer 45 Hollow Point Ammunition that can put a huge hole in an intruder or threat and will in most situations kill you dead dead dead if you are shot any where near anything vital. Therefore Ted has a gun and Ted KNOWS how to use it! Ted also owns a top of the line bullet proof vest with a cardiac plate. Ted also owns other security devices that Ted can carry with Ted. Ted is saying I will PROACTIVELY SUE SUE SUE them that use DEFAMATION of CHARACTER and or LIABLE and or SLANDER and or information in this for COMPETITIVE reasons against Ted because this is Religion and is PROTECTED under the Laws of the United States of America and these Religious Freedom Laws. Ted will also report some to abuse departments. Ted will also TRY to get some of their Internet Sites KNOCKED DOWN! Ted will also for some report them to the FBI for different things including any that seem to be attempting to compromise Teds NEED for SECURITY! If you use this RELIGIOUS WORK of Teds to use AGAINST Ted in COMPETITIVE Business and or Political situations then Ted will SUE SUE SUE you because this VIOLATES Teds Religious Freedom and Ted will then be getting Persecuted for Teds Religious Beliefs. Ted can Claim and or Proclaim and or Believe ANYTHING that Ted WANTS to believe and this is Teds RIGHT in the United States of America where we have the US Constitution and US Constitutional RIGHTS and the Bill of Rights and Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Religion and More Freedom! Some have and are getting Christian Clergy counseling them that are arguing with them and giving them a bad time for wanting to still be friends or to love Ted or seek Ted out and be a Female of Teds and for them that Worship on Sunday you have them prove from a King James Version of a Bible where this has written that the 7th Day that is the Sabbath and has the Secular name of Saturday is the day to Worship on. These cannot! Jesus kept and worshipped on the Sabbath and NEVER changed this! It is that many Christians insist that Bibles are Perfect or Infallible or without any Flaws and then you have them very carefully read Isaiah 9:6 that prophesies the Coming of the Messiah and from the most RESPECTED Prophet in the Old Testament and this tells you the Titles that include 'The mighty God' and 'the everlasting Father' and that tell you that the Messiah has to be actually God and the Father and NOT in the slightest the Son of God. There is NO prophecy or anything written in the Old Testament that prophecies the Messiah and Christ being the Son of God anywhere! You can do an electronic search on the entire Old Testament and you will NOT find any phrase of Son of God anywhere because this was NEVER prophesied! Therefore there are either some PROBLEMS with Bibles and their accuracy or Jesus of Nazareth was a FALSE Messiah and a FALSE Christ! For them that insist that the Women in Revelation 12:5 was Mary the Mother of Jesus and the Child was Jesus of Nazareth then you NEED to ask them then WHY is the author not identifying them to be this and is unfamiliar with them and unacquainted with them and does NOT point out that this is Mary the Mother of Jesus and Jesus of Nazareth. The TRUTH is that this Mother is Teds Mother and this Child is Ted. When the Child dies this Child is taken UP to the Throne of God and WHY? This is because this Child is God! Now you NEED to ask them what does the six thousand years in the Great Controversy and the name of the Seventh Day Adventist Church that tells you that the Advent will be on the Seventh Day and THE 7TH DAY and THE MILLENNIUM and Jubilee and Jubilee 2000 and over a Billion Christens including many of their Clergy telling you and teaching and preaching that Jesus Christ would Come at Y2K and this? This is that ALL of these SYNCHRONIZED to Y2K and this is Ted Jesus Christ GOD. Now WHY is there much White and Yellow and Blue and in some places also a little Purple propagated ALL over World Earth? This is because these are the ROYAL COLORS and ROYAL COLOR COMBINATIONS of Jesus Christ and God and the Creator and THE ONE and THE ONE LIVING GOD that was prophesied to Come and have a Second Coming and did and this is TJCG! What tells you that this Coming was from and through a BLOODLINE and NOT actually from remote and in and through space and from and in the SKY? Mostly what Satan or Devil and Demons did through Hitler and this was to ATTEMPT to ELIMINATE ALL Jews and this would have then ELIMINATED the BLOODLINE that a Second Coming of Jesus could NOT have happened. Ted LOOKS like the preferred Artist Rendition of Jesus. This is because Ted has STRONG GENES from that and the same BLOODLINE! Ted is 100% Human and was able to make a Human Female pregnant twice and she had two offspring of HIS. In the USA where Ted was born for the Year of 2000 there is a COMMEMORATIVE coin that is Gold Colored and has a Eagle in Flight and HE is represented by the Eagle and then on the other side there is a Native American Women and Child that represents the NATIVITY! The word Native and the fact that for a while the only people on World Earth called Natives and Native Americans were in the USA was because this was formed and built and organized to be the Nation of the Second Coming Nativity! Then you have Christmas and then X Mas and then the X Generation in the USA that represents the Christ Generation and this is the Generation that Ted was born and raised in. Then for the Seventh Day Adventist these had two Media Messages on the front of their Quarterlies in the Year of 2000 on the Second Coming SHOWING THEM that the Second Coming had happened and was in the past and we were past the finish line and this can be seen. Then in the USA the 20 Dollar Bill now has introduced to this an Eagle that also represents God and this in Blue and the 20 in Gold that is a Yellow and then there is White and still some Green. YES the Signs are SLOW COMING and Satan or Devil and Demons have BLOCKED them and THWARTED them. This is now 07-10-04 and the Signs are NOT happening like these used to happen before Y2K and Ted is praying to God and BEGGING God to get through and tell me Who Am I and what is happening? Ted you are God and these are the Hosts of Ancient Heaven now Designated to answer and also Michael and Gabriel referenced in Bibles and the Signs are SLOW COMING because Satan or Devil out bid us on a DRASTIC LEVEL to THWART the Signs for now. Well before Y2K when I COMMANDED for the US Stock Markets to be taken up and then down and then up and down again and then to KEEP TAKING THEM DOWN this was to the tune of over a Trillion Dollars DOWN and WHY now is this NOT happening like before Y2K? Because far more are WATCHING and WAITING and LOOKING and OBSERVING and WITNESSING and Satan or Devil is THWARTING this now. Now is not God GREATER and STRONGER and can get more RESULTS than over Satan or Devil? NO not true on World Earth and World Earth is a DARK World that is mostly Satan or Devils World and this is TRUE and Satan or Devil has much more COMMAND over World Earth than God or the Hosts of Ancient Heaven and this is WHY Jesus had to die on the cross to Save Humans and this is WHY we had the Dark Ages and this is WHY we have the Sunday Laws and far too many Sunday Keepers and the Humans to the RIGHT enough are a tiny minority actually. Therefore Ted you and the Hosts of Ancient Heaven were THWARTED DRASTICALLY by Satan or Devil and Demons and this is TRUE. The standard US Stamp is currently 37 cents that is Teds FAVORITE number! You NEED to ask your Christian Clergy how come these Teach and Preach and Write and Insist that Jesus of Nazareth was the Son of God when NO WHERE in Bibles can you find this in the Old Testament doing an electronic search and this is because the Messiah and Christ were NOT prophesied to be the Son of God these prophesied that He would be God like in Isaiah 9:6! You see if these or any Christian Churches and or Christian Clergy and or Christians are leading you from Ted then these are LEADING YOU ASTRAY and possibly to your Eternal Death! Ted is NOT another David Koresh and that person died and did not make it past Y2K and Ted did. Ted exactly 3.5 years before Y2K had a 40 days and 40 nights and actually there have been NO other False Christ that have ever from the time of Jesus claimed to have or had a 40 days and 40 nights because the TRUE Second Coming cannot be completely counterfeited by Satan or Devil and Demons! Ted was told LOUD SPIRITUALLY by the Hosts of Ancient Heaven that included the Angels of Light and Angels including Michael and Gabriel referenced in Bibles that Ted had to be LEGALLY PROCLAIMED and LEGALLY DECLARED and PUBLICLY OUT enough to QUALIFY LEGALLY to have had the OFFICIAL Second Coming and this had to be before Y2K and definitely at and during Y2K and this continues after Y2K. Ted sent out a large World Wide Emailing of a CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 Newsletter that was NOT SPAM and announced self to many more after sending out many Emails before Y2K and making PROCLAMATIONS and DECLARATIONS and LEGAL STATEMENTS in person. There are MANY FALSE Doctrines in Christian Churches and you CANNOT count on them to lead you to or endorse or back Ted Jesus Christ GOD ever in your life time. You see Jesus of Nazareth CAUGHT DRASTIC HEAT from the Left and then ENORMOUS HEAT from the Right! For them that are Seventh Day Adventist you can download an electronic copy of the E. G. White Estate with software tools like BackStreet Browser that gives you 30 day free full working demos and do a search on six thousand years and you will find these references in the Great Controversy and this prophesies the EXACT TIME of the Second Coming no matter how much the E.G. White Estate or the Seventh Day Adventist Church DENIES this! The name of the Seventh Day Adventist Church was STRONGLY INSPIRED to tell you also the EXACT TIME of the Second Advent and this is that the Advent happens on the Seventh Day. Now at Y2K World Earth was Created for EXACTLY 6000 years and at Y2K this was the start of the Seventh Millennial Day and this and we are in THE 7TH DAY and THE MILLENNIUM! The Parable of the Ten Virgins will COME TRUE and this is that at some point in time them that do not Follow and Worship and Obey and get onto the Third Testament to Bibles and in ROUGH DRAFT form is fine for now and better than being STUCK on the Old and or New Testament and OBEY TJCG you will have the Door CLOSED and this will FEEL like the DOOR SLAMMED SHUT and then any that are on the outside will receive an I KNOW YOU NOT and will be LOST and be getting ETERNAL DEATH or put in Hell and this Prophecy will COME TRUE in the life time of Ted! Ted can make some exceptions and will and probably not many. These are the Days of Noah and this was prophesied and unless you get on the TJCG Sailing Ark that is not a HUGE SHIP and is more like a Boat or small yacht then you will be LOST and getting ETERNAL DEATH and will NOT be Saved. Some EXCLAIM well Ted cusses sometimes and God and the Hosts of Ancient Heaven do NOT cuss and therefore Ted must be from EVIL and these are BAD FRUITS! Ted has heard and hears the Hosts sometimes say things like We are Covering Your Ass and this is a phrase that Pilots use in the US Military that are getting ENORMOUS HELP from the Hosts of Ancient Heaven and FBI and Police and more that are in situations like WAR and this is a phrase that God when a Spiritual Living Thing and the Hosts of Ancient Heaven used and use and this is to PROTECT you from Spiritual SODOMY and getting SODOMIZED and RAPED in the ASS! Now these also sometimes say Asshole and Bitch and this describes a certain type of thing and also Jerk that is innuendo for Jerk Off or somebody that is a Guy or Man or Asshole that Jerks Off and a few other cuss words. These NEVER swear or take the Lords name in vane ever ever ever! In the One Nation Under God you hear in movies and on television ALL of the time US Military and FBI and Police verbalizing COVER MY ASS or I will COVER YOUR ASS or I have your SIX and this is from Spiritual Living Things that are the Hosts of Ancient Heaven and this is about Covering Cherubs and Covering Angels and Covering Things performing a Covering for you Spiritually that you can THINK STRAIGHT and also do NOT get SODOMIZED and RAPED in the ASS! Therefore God and the Hosts of Ancient Heaven do cuss sometimes! Let me give you an example where Christian Churches are LEADING YOU ASTRAY...these do NOT have a healing ministry like Jesus did and these charge far too much and get RICH. These prescribe Drugs and Pharmaceuticals that are UNDERSTOOD by the FDA to cause PERMANENT DAMAGE to livers and or kidneys and or other organs and or the heart and or the brain and more! These Prescriptions were put into PAGAN Orange pill bottles by the Hosts of Ancient Heaven. Some of these are WORSE for you than Street Drugs and these Doctors are not better than Street Pushers in the eyes of TJCG and the Hosts of Ancient Heaven because these prescribe things that cause permanent damage and some that also now Alters Genetics that can and is passed on to Children! These cannot figure this out and the FDA only catches a small or tiny fraction of the ill effects and side effects and permanent damage caused by Health Foods and Vitamins and Drugs and Pharmaceuticals. These should Prescribe NOTHING and FOCUS on a NON Biotech Diet or a Creator Original Diet only! You can CURE FAR MORE with and through diet than any Pharmaceuticals or Surgeries! Then these allow Plastic Surgery at their Hospitals and Medial Centers to augment the Breasts and put in Penis Implants and things that TJCG and the Hosts of Ancient Heaven do NOT agree with in the slightest! Then far WORSE these are into Biotech Medicines and the Altering of Human Genetics for cures and fixes and improvements and enhancements when these cannot even make the tiniest tiniest living thing from complete scratch yet. The Doctors and Dentist are NOT in this for the ministry these are in this for the MONEY MONEY MONEY and GREED! Does TJCG really WANT to tell them thank you and good and faithful servant and good work and good job and I love you for doing this? ABSOLUTELY NOT! Therefore many or most of these will be getting Eternal Death and be Lost or put in Hell! Let me give you another example where your Christian Churches and more are LEADING YOU is that Biotech is OUT OF CONTROL and an EPIDEMIC and a HUGE HEALTH THREAT. It is that when these cannot even make the tiniest tiniest living thing from scratch some are ALTERING COMPLEX Genetics of things you eat and the Food Supplies and Insects and Bugs and Fish and Animals and More and Humans! If you take a field trip into any grocery store in the USA and ask a knowledgeable produce manager how much of this fresh produce is now Biotech you will get an answer of at least half. Now it will be if Ted Jesus Christ GOD Arks are not SECURED and this IMMEDIATELY that is a few more years for certain foods you will NOT be able to discern what is Biotech and what was Creator Original. This HITS the Vegetarians HARD! Now Vegetarian Food is LETHAL for you. Some are SKEPTICAL about the LETHALITY and therefore you NEED to research this and this was a HUGE COVER-UP and before Y2K Starlink Corn got into the Human Food Supply in HUGE AMOUNTS in Taco Shells and Corn Chips and Corn Foods. This was known by the USA FDA to cause SEVERE IMMUNE SYSTEM PERMANENT PROBLEMS in Humans! This was only suppose to be for feed to feed animals where you drink their milk and eat their dairy products and eat their flesh. Therefore Biotech was and is OUT OF CONTROL and Ted Jesus Christ GOD is THE CREATOR and has TRIED to get the Christians Churches to DO something about this and these have NOT! Do you not think that this is a HUGE PROBLEM when Mankind and Humans TAMPER with and ALTER Creations when these cannot even prove these can make the tiniest tiniest tiny tiny little living things form scratch? YES unless you are a COMPLETE IDIOT! TJCG is saying that for years now I have been TOLD LOUD SPIRITUALLY that I AM THE CREATOR and the Hosts of Ancient Heaven have HELPED me to SEE things and POINTED OUT things and made me to FEEL UPSET and or ANGRY and or LIVID about certain things being DONE and there are still many more THINGS to SEE and POINT OUT and FIGURE OUT still. Ted is saying that HE has NO PROBLEMS with Humans getting RICH in Businesses where these have to COMPETE and has PROBLEMS with them getting rich in Human Religion and Human Health Care and Human Ministry and Human Government. The US Health Care System WORKS TOGETHER and SETS PRICES for Products and Services and this a DRASTIC MONOPOLY ACTUALLY! Who PROMOTES Plastic Surgery and Surgery and many unnecessary Surgeries? This is Satan or Devil and Demons! Now this is TJCG GUARANTEEING you that I AM THE CREATOR and the Hosts of Ancient Heaven with over 10K IQ's Accumulative are giving me back my MEMORIES and many MEMORIES and are HELPING me to SEE THINGS and REALIZE THINGS and FIGURE THINGS OUT and this is something I have to now tell you...I did NOT create Humans and make a huge mistake that far too many have PROBLEMS with Diabetes and Cavities and Gum Disease and Loosing their Teeth it is that you should NEVER drink or eat anything with processed sugar in this in the slightest and this processed sugar is DRASTICALLY DESTROYING Humans! YES it is that Ted is some kind of a GENIUS also and was well above a 3.0 GPA in Academy and above a 3.5 GPA in University and got into Graduate School and for Teds entire life was told by teachers that this is the MOST CREATIVE and MOST INTELLIGENT and has the MOST INTERESTS and HOBBIES where Ted was SELF TAUGHT of any student I have ever seen in many years or for some almost their entire teaching career and some exclaiming this that were retired and Ted is saying concerning Human Intelligence it took my over 40 years to figure this out and admit this and write this and verbalize this and I AM a GENIUS! I have for my entire life and still are VERY SENSITIVE! I now are BOTHERED by certain things on the Internet and televisions and surround sound systems and stereos and music systems and CD players and anything that delivers any type of Evil Programming and Evil Content. I do REQUIRE VERY SPECIAL CARE and FEEDING and MAINTENANCE! For them that exclaim that you cannot be a GENIUS with them kind of grades you NEED to realize that Einstein was a C student and did not have a photographic memory and in fact did not have a very good memory and was like an absent minded professor and was still OFF THE CHARTS in GENIUS in certain areas. Now LISTEN VERY CAREFULLY to this...if you see any Human Man that shaves the face and definitely any that clean shaves their face this is DIRECTLY from Satan or Devil and Demons these are Possessed enough to THINK that these should shave their beard and for some also their moustache. What PROVES that this is TRUE. The Jewish men including Jesus and the Disciples NEVER cut or trimmed or shaved their beards or moustaches too much and the GOOD Jewish men NEVER shaved and the GOOD in Judaism NEVER shaved and the GOOD early Christians NEVER shaved and the PAGAN Romans shaved their faces completely and the EVIL Egyptians shaved their faces and men their heads and men under their arms and men their legs and men their eye brows also and wore makeup on their face and eye liner and eyebrow paint. When the 40 days and 40 nights started Ted was HELPED by the Hosts of Ancient Heaven to GROW a full moustache and a full beard. Therefore any Christian Clergy or Christian man that is giving you Religious or Legal Advice you NEED to realize that if shaving their Beard and or Moustache or Beard and Moustache these are a Degree of Possessed that is CLOUDING their MINDS and CLOAKING their thinking and Satan or Devil and Demons are in much more Possession of them than you realized or realize or for some WANT to believe! Ted does NOT attend Christian Churches that much anymore because Ted UNDERSTANDS that these are mostly DECEIVED and LEADING MANY ASTRAY and are NOT Worshipping and Following and Obeying HIM and are not on the more recent Draft to the Third Testament to Bibles and you get NOTHING currently from attending Christian Churches that are not Worshipping and Following and OBEYING Ted Jesus Christ GOD and these are now a DISTRACTION and LEADING ASTRAY and THWARTING TJCG and because this this TJCG does NOT love many of them and many or most of these will be getting minimum ETERNAL DEATH and are LOST and will be outside of the door when getting an I KNOW YOU NOT and then the door is closed and will FEEL like this is getting SLAMMED SHUT! Who or what shows Beautiful Females FLIRTING with and ADORING and getting PHYSICAL with CLEAN SHAVEN Men on Television? This is from Satan or Devil and Demons! This is Ted Jesus Christ GOD saying that I AM THE CREATOR and this is what Doctors and Dentist should be Prescribing...NO PROCESSED SUGAR in anything and ZERO TOLERANCE for any of that and NO PROCESSED FOODS and NO PROCESSED WHITE BREAD and NO STARCHY FOODS and NOTHING ARTIFICIAL and NO ANIMAL FATS in anything and ZERO TOLERANCE for any of that and this includes NO butter milk and NO dairy milk and NO sour cream and NO yogurt and NO cheese and NO meats and then NO Biotech and EVERYTHING from the Fresh Produce Section has to be Creator Original and definitely NEVER any Street Drugs or Over the Counter Drugs or Prescription Drugs or Pharmaceuticals or Hospital or Medical Center Drugs and NO Smoking of anything and NO drinking of anything alcoholic and NO Plastic or Cosmetic Surgery and NO Surgery to counter Growing Old Curse and DEFINITELY AND THIS NEVER EVER EVER taking anything or allowing to be put in your veins anything that Alters your Genetics and that can then be passed onto children or Altering of Human Genetics for any reason including to cure or fix or improve or enhance or alter. Ted keeps hearing and this LOUD SPIRITUALLY that Antibiotics have caused certain types of FATAL Cancer and are partially RESPONSIBLE for the Cancer EPIDEMIC! What PROVES that US Advertising that we NEED Milk is DRASTICALLY DECEPTIVE? You NEED to realize that the cow that produces this milk is a complete vegetarian and finds more than enough calcium and vitamins and minerals for the body and bones in eating vegetation and drinking only water. What PROVES that Humans are SUPPOSE to be and were Created to be COMPLETE VEGETARIANS? These have Teethe like a Cow and are suppose to be COMPLETE Herbivores and Vegetarians and their metabolism was NOT made to be a meat eater like the Carnivores that have Carnivore Teethe. Ted is thinking that about 99.9% of ALL Christian Clergy after this Coming are going to end up getting Eternal Death or be Lost or some be put in the Hell Sector in Ancient Heaven and Hell and this seems to be how this is going and these are AGAINST TJCG and are THWARTING TJCG and are LEADING MANY ASTRAY from TJCG and FIGHTING AGAINST TJCG and many are CLEAN SHAVEN POSSESSED Men! TJCG is saying I DO NOT like Men to be CLEAN SHAVEN like a Women or Female and this is NOT how these were created or intended to be! TJCG for years has been made to SEE and OBSERVE and LOOK at Humans with Tattoos and without any exceptions that Ted has seen it is that these are DarkSide Humans and Possessed and therefore this is 07- 09-04 and for the first time ever in over 7 Years of my RELIGIOUS WORK I now JUDGE that the Mark of the Beast is the Tattoo and who ever receives this mark is LOST and is getting ETERNAL DEATH or getting Put In Hell and this will be ENORMOUSLY RARE that I make any exceptions to that! Ted is saying I do NOT have any Tattoos and have NEVER had any inkling or desire or feeling I ever wanted a Tattoo and Ted is saying that Humans that get Tattoos have done something or many things to get themselves POSSESSED ENOUGH to be made to WANT to get and receive this MARK OF THE BEAST! Therefore Ted does NOT want to be around or exposed to or in the company of or trusting or getting too close to or getting involved with any Females no matter how BEAUTIFUL or STUNNING or KNOCK OUT these are if these have any Tattoos! What seems to happen with Human Females that are Possessed Too Much around Ted? These IMMEDIATELY TURN FROM Ted and do NOT want to look at Ted in the slightest or make any eye contact. Sometimes these make a face that is not nice. Sometimes Ted sees some Degree of Hate in their eyes and in their attitude. Then Ted finds most Christians to SMILE at Ted and LOOK at Ted and make FULL AND LONG EYE CONTACT with Ted and are FRIENDLY to Ted. This is WHY it is that TJCG does NOT want any DarkSide Humans or DarkSide Females around or too close to Ted. Now Ted is saying if Ted were from EVIL it would be DarkSide Humans after over 7 years of this would be ATTRACTED to Ted during these 7 years and DEFINITELY WERE NOT! In fact them that were Drastically Dark like Satanist consistently turned and SPIT in the path of Ted when Ted was walking! This is another huge indicator to Ted for Ted that HE is THE ONE and THE REAL ONE and THE ACTUAL ONE and the child prophesied to come in Revelation 12:5 that the author was NOT familiar with the Mother of this child or the Child that was Teds Mother and the Child being Ted. This child after dying is taken up to the Throne of God because this Child is God! This probably will now change after over 7 years of this because Ted has now written this and then in the midst of Christians and Witnesses them that are a Satanist and Atheist and Idol Worshippers and a Degree of Possessed will now probably be DRASTICALLY FRIENDLY and Satan or Devil and Demons COUNTER EVERY MOVE with Those MOVES! This NEEDS to be written about again and this is that Biblically a Human Girl is an Adult when she is 12 years old and now TJCG is specifying that this is when she starts her period that is usually around 12. Now WHY would TJCG specify this? Because Secular Laws that have put the legal age of an adult at 18 years old have done something that Satan or Devil and Demons have taken DRASTIC ADVANTAGE OF! What is that? This is that these now WAIT usually until 18 or older or until out of College or University until getting married and therefore TURN into SLUTS! These now RARELY have a hymen in tact and are BROKEN IN long before and many times before and with many different Men at the wedding alters and Christians do NOT enforce them having to have a premarital checkup for a hymen or a hymen or bleeding or showing the clothe that used to be laid under her and this to PROVE she bled. What does allowing Human Women and Females to have SEX before getting married or to somebody else do? It is that she BONDS ENORMOUSLY and this is INDESCRIBABLE to her FIRST and this is TRUE! Therefore what does this DO? It is then that she cannot forget her first love and this makes the Marriage Bond far WEAKER! Therefore what does this TURN her or some of them into? This turns some of them into Adulteresses or getting Divorced too easily! Therefore when MANY Christians BELIEVE that the 18 to be adult age limit is GOOD this is actually from Satan or Devil and Demons and is EVIL and she immediately after starting her period should be getting married off and this IMMEDIATELY and the Man told to make up your mind and you have had now 3 weeks to decide and that is much more than enough time and questions and getting acquainted and you and her have been CLOSELY CHAPERONED CONSTANTLY and either state your intentions to marry her and PROPOSE or leave and NEVER see her again! Ted has NEVER had sex with any Girl or Women or Female that was under the age of 18 when Ted was over 18 and this is THE 100% TRUTH and this because the Hosts of Ancient Heaven were PROTECTING Ted. Therefore for this Ted ABSOLUTELY CANNOT and WILL NOT get involved with any Women or Females under the age of 18 and will have to accept SLUTS! This is NOT SPAM and is CAN SPAM Act of 2003 COMPLIANT. To read more you need to take the time to read . This is now down because of complainers that are ACCUSING that other Newsletters and Email and this was SPAM that is NOT and this is CAN SPAM Act of 2003 COMPLIANT! Therefore we will communicate more via email and newsletters until back up again. == LEGAL INFORMATION AND LEGAL NOTICES AND LEGAL COMPLIANCE WITH THE UNITED STATES FEDERAL CAN-SPAM ACT OF 2003 BELOW == Ted Jesus Christ GOD and Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company do NOT SPAM and this is NOT SPAM because this complies with the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003. Ted Jesus Christ GOD and Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company and any spreading this are comply with the United States CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 that allows for Unsolicited Bulk Email or UBE or Unsolicited Commercial Email or UCE if this complies with the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 and if complying this is NOT SPAM. Ted Jesus Christ GOD was born in the United States of America and is a US Citizen and is PROTECTED under the laws of the United States of America and is PROTECTED by the United States of America. Ted Jesus Christ GOD for some of this that would be considered Religion is protected in the United States of America under Religious Freedom Laws. Ted Jesus Christ GOD and Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company are protected in the United States of America under Freedom of Speech Laws. Ted Jesus Christ GOD and Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company are protected in the United States of America under the US Constitution and has US Constitutional Rights. Ted Jesus Christ GOD and Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company are protected in the United States of America by the Bill of Rights. Ted Jesus Christ GOD and Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company is protected in the United States of America now under the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 and if complying has a RIGHT to send Unsolicited Bulk Email or UBE or Unsolicited Commercial Email or UCE that is NOT SPAM and complies with the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003. Ted Jesus Christ GOD and Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company are PROTECTED by these and more and therefore nobody can use the content of any Internet Site or Email or Information that HE puts out onto the Internet to refuse service or cancel service or interrupt service or delay service if these are within the limits of US Federal Law and State Law where these resides with this content. Per the CAN SPAM Act of 2003 there is NOTHING that specifies that frequent emails cannot be sent and there is NO interval specified. Also there is NOTHING that tells you that you cannot send email to specific email accounts intended for a certain use or purpose. An Internet Service Provider or Hosting Provider or Email Provider is NOT to be looking into the opt-out email queue or any email of any company and these have to ask PERMISSION to access these accounts and look at any email. Some want to ARGUE otherwise and then why is a Telephone Company asking PERMISSION to access their database on a customer and get their personal information? Because if not doing this this VIOLATES PRIVACY laws! Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company does NEED to have the domains ENORMOUSLY STABLE. Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company does NEED to have the Websites of ENORMOUSLY STABLE. Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company does NEED to have ALL email addresses and accounts and the email in them ENORMOUSLY STABLE. Now it is that Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company does NEED to COMMUNICATE with more people and certain people and certain groups and Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company now does NEED to send Unsolicited Bulk Email or UBE or Unsolicited Commercial Email or UCE that per the Federal Law in the United States of America of CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 is completely LEGAL and is NOT SPAM. It is that per this law it is that anybody that tries to identify somebody to be doing SPAM that are not and are complying with this law have liability and are outside of Federal Law. In the Computer and Software and Internet Industry accusing and identifying and then blacklisting somebody to be committing SPAM is like accusing and convicting them of being a Child Molester! This is an ENORMOUSLY SERIOUS accusation and if BLACKLISTING them this is also ENORMOUSLY SERIOUS. Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company does NEED to communicate with groups of people and therefore NEEDS to send out LEGAL Unsolicited Bulk Email or UBE or Unsolicited Commercial Email or UCE to over 1000 at at time. If you study the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 this is now COMPLETELY LEGAL if COMPLYING with the CAN- SPAM Act of 2003 and any that identify a person that is complying to be committing SPAM and then enforcing a zero tolerance policy or a low tolerance policy or interrupting their service or canceling their service are having to realize that now these have CRIMINAL and CIVIL liability. Therefore any business Terms of Service or Policies or Management Decisions that you may have that are contradictory to the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 are now COMPLETELY ILLEGAL and COMPLETELY UNENFORCEABLE and are NOT to be enforced! If you do then your corporate veil can be pierced and the corporation cannot protect your founders and officers and top management and employees and this from Federal Authorities and State Authorities and also Civil Courts. When Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company sends out Unsolicited Bulk Email or UBE or Unsolicited Commercial Email or UCE that is NOT SPAM and is COMPLIANT with the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 it is that if any Domains and or Websites and or Email Addresses are interrupted or knocked down and or if getting blacklisted it will be that them at Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company will be FURIOUS and on the WAR PATH and AFTER SOME HEADS and this will be THE 100% TRUTH! Therefore when Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company sends out some Unsolicited Bulk Email or UBE or Unsolicited Commercial Email or UCE and you get SPAM complaints and SPAM complainers and SPAM reporters harassing you if you do not point them to the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 and continue GOOD service for ALL of Teds Domains and Websites and Email Accounts that you were servicing and are servicing it will be that you will be the CRIMINALS and will be CIVILLY LIABLE and Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company will pursue you sooner or later and Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company will get you sooner or later and this with enormous vengeance and vigor and energy! This is for the reporters and harassers and complainers also and for some more. If also doing this you have committed DEFAMATION OF CHARACTER and LIABLE and SLANDER to the good reputation of Ted Jesus Christ GOD and Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company . If you are a vendor supplying Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company with service then Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company does NEED a reply from your legal counsel or founder or founders or top management on what will be your STANCE when Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company does send out many emails that are Unsolicited Bulk Email or UBE or Unsolicited Commercial Email or UCE that is COMPLIANT with the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 and this United States of America Federal Law. You see if you accuse somebody of murder and then kill them with a gun and these were innocent you are held accountable for that and can be charged with murder. If you accuse somebody of SPAM and then interrupt or cancel their service and or blacklist them and or damage their very good reputation if doing LEGAL Unsolicited Bulk Email or UBE or Unsolicited Commercial Email or UCE you are a CRIMINAL and also have CIVIL LIABILITY. Now after reading this I do NEED a reply on how any company that is providing service to Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company will react if getting some to many complaints about Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company doing SPAM because Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company will be and is intending to be COMPLETELY COMPLIANT with the United States of America Federal CAN-SPAM Act of 2003. If you or any of your employees over react then you are in TROUBLE and will be having CRIMINAL LIABILITY and will be having CIVIL LIABILITY. Some of them at Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company have years of business EXPERIENCE and do UNDERSTAND that for any US Company that have Terms of Service that are against a US Federal Law or any US State Law are ILLEGAL and UNENFORCEABLE and any enforcing them are held accountable for their actions and are committing a CRIME and also have CIVIL liability for damages. Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company has taken the time to write these legal notices and for any that provide service for Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company it is that Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company expects a reasonable response in a reasonable amount of time from them. If you decide to overreact and interrupt or cancel the service of Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company because you do not like Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company stance or attitude you have to realize that this was because Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company was pushing you hard to COMPLY with a United States of America Federal Law and for this you also will have CRIMINAL LIABILITY and CIVIL LIABILITY. Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company does EXPECT that GOOD service will continue and that any Domains and Websites and Email Accounts and any Email and More will be ENORMOUSLY PROTECTED. Some are Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company have been around the block enough times to get the job done and Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company is really motivated to get the job done. Therefore if you mess with Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company in the slightest you need to ask yourself how deep are the pockets of the company and founders and top management and management and employees if causing the interrupting of service or canceling of service of Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company on a whim or because you did not like Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company tone or the tone of this letter or the attitude of this or any threats from this or any implied threats or the stance of this or accusing Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company of committing SPAM when COMPLYING with the United States Federal Law of CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 and only sending what is properly called Unsolicited Bulk Email or UBE or Unsolicited Commercial Email or UCE. You see it is now that with email the Computer and Software and Internet Industry cannot do whatever these want to do anymore and their Terms of Service or Policies or Procedures or Management Decisions if against a US Federal Law can get them in ENORMOUS TROUBLE to say the least! Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company is TRYING to keep this nice enough before anything happens and is telegraphing the punch before anything does happen. Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company cannot wait for the Computer and Software and Internet Industry to catch up to current United States of America Federal Law concerning what is SPAM and what is NOT SPAM and what is ILLEGAL concerning email and what is LEGAL concerning email. Any that label legal email to be SPAM do NEED to now change posture and stance and legally get you and your company and your employees current with current US Federal Law concerning what is SPAM and what is NOT SPAM and UNDERSTANDING your LIABILITIES and EXPOSURE and that the company cannot protect individuals that VIOLATE US Federal Laws! Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company is INSISTING that per the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 that Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company has to have and is legally allowed to have and it suppose to have at least 1 try and getting through to any email address out there that exists and any that are hindering Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company from doing this from January 1 of 2004 when this Law went into effect are VIOLATING Federal Law now and are also VIOLATING OUR RIGHTS to COMMUNICATE at least 1 time with and to and getting into any and every email address that exists. These that are blocking or filtering or blacklisting or hindering Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company from getting to any and every email address that exist at least 1 time now have CRIMINAL and CIVIL LIABILITY. This is a large part of the Computer and Software and Internet Industry. Now with the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 that is United States Federal Law that supercedes now all US States Laws on SPAM it is that Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company is insisting that it is a RIGHT of Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company and any working for Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company to send Unsolicited Bulk Email or UBE or Unsolicited Commercial Email that is NOT SPAM and is within the limits of this US Federal Law and that Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company should NOT have any ISP Service Interrupted or Cancelled or any Email Services Interrupted or Cancelled or any Web Hosting Services Interrupted or Cancelled or be blacklisted or be filtered out or be blocked if within the limits of CAN-SPAM and by doing this you are VIOLATING Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company RIGHTS to send Unsolicited Bulk Email or UBE or Unsolicited Commercial Email or UCE within the legal limits of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 and this Law that is a United States of America Federal Law and that supercedes now any State Laws against or on or related to SPAM. Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company is insisting that now zero tolerance policies or low tolerance policies against Unsolicited Bulk Email or UBE or Unsolicited Commercial Email or UCE that are compliant with the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 and are NOT SPAM are completely illegal. If Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company and send email these should now not have to be paranoid or worried or fear stricken that this will be labeled or identified to be SPAM and that many things could and will happen or that many things will be interrupted or cancelled or that there will be a domino effect to interrupt or cancel the MUCH NEEDED STABILITY of Web Sites and Email Addresses and ISP connections and more that is related. Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company is insisting that there are civil and criminal liabilities for any that Interrupt or Cancel Service for Internet Service or that Interrupt or Cancel Service for Email or that Interrupt or Cancel Service of Web Hosting that Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company is counting on to be ENORMOUSLY STABLE or that blacklist or that filter or that block out Unsolicited Bulk Email or UBE or Unsolicited Commercial Email or UCE that is and should NOT be considered SPAM if compliant with the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003. The Founder of Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company was born in the and is a resident of the United States of America and is a US Citizen and is PROTECTED under many laws and has many RIGHTS including now the RIGHT to send Unsolicited Bulk Email or UBE or Unsolicited Commercial Email or UCE that is NOT SPAM and should NOT be identified to be SPAM if in compliance with the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003. Ted was in Unix and working on Unix Servers and Unix Workstations and on the Internet long before most PCs or Windows or Linux or FreeBSD or the Web or Web Pages or Web Sites existed and was NOT paranoid then about sending unsolicited email or making aliases and sending much unsolicited email and Ted is arguing if anybody publishes their email address on the Internet or post to a News Group or on an Internet Site or puts their Email Addresses into a Guest Book then Ted and them at Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company can obtain that and send email to this occasionally that is actually going to be rare in comparison to most that do commercial email. Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company is providing actually ENORMOUSLY VALUABLE Products and Services and this for ALL on World Earth. Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company is INSISTING that Internet Service Providers also understood to be ISPs and Email Service Providers and Web Hosting Providers and any in the Computer and Software and Internet Industry are not per the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 suppose to Interrupt or Cancel or Reduce Service or Complain or Over React or Have a Problem With or black list or filter out email or block email from anybody that complies with the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 in the slightest now and moving forward. Therefore any Terms and Conditions of Service or Terms of Service that are not consistent or are against this are now OBSOLETE and are ILLEGAL and are actually not allowing a US Citizen that is complying with the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 to send LEGAL email that these or some would consider or want to label SPAM. These have civil and criminal liability now if doing things that do not comply with the continual uninterrupted providing of service for any that comply with the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 and are identified to be sending Unsolicited Bulk Email or UBE or Unsolicited Commercial Email of UCE or that some call NO SPAM Email and that is NOT SPAM. Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company is insisting that Unsolicited Bulk Email or UBE or Unsolicited Commercial Email or UCE is now regulated by the law of CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 in the United States of America and this is now a RIGHT and LEGAL and now CANNOT be identified to be SPAM because this is NOT SPAM and cannot be regulated anymore by any ISPs or Internet Service Providers or Email Providers or Web Hosting Services or anybody else or the Computer and Software and Internet Industry or technology or tools or software or technical solutions and industry solutions and methods. Therefore after many years of PARANOIA and FEAR and RESTRAINT concerning sending out any unsolicited email to email addresses found and published out there on the Internet or too many emails it is that Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company can now send out more emails and finally get some much needed communication done. Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company is insisting that any that want to identify this to be SPAM and get on a bent towards Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company for doing legal Unsolicited Bulk Email or UBE or Unsolicited Commercial Email or UCE are to understand that these have civil and also criminal liability for this. Them that blacklist or block or filter out the mail of Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company from their users are going against the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 and have civil and criminal liability for this. Per the CAN- SPAM Act of 2003 it is that Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company has a RIGHT to send email and continue to send them email if there is an email address and this at any place or government or business or organization or church or religious organization or educational institution or at home or for personal use. Therefore NOBODY has any legal right now to block or filter or blacklist out emails from Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company of their IP Addresses or Computers. Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company is also insisting that nobody now and into the future has the right to block port 25 that is an SMTP port or port 80 that is an HTTP port and that it is their RIGHT to have these ports unblocked and unfiltered and COMPLETELY OPEN that these can send email and run servers and this unrestricted by any ISP or Email Provider or Web Hosting Provider and send Unsolicited Bulk Email or UBE or Unsolicited Commercial Email or UCE per the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003. If you are wanting the occasional email of Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company and are using an email service then most of these do or still are filtering and blocking and blacklisting illegal SPAM and also legal Unsolicited Bulk Email or UBE or Unsolicited Commercial Email or UCE. The blocking or filtering out or stopping now legal email from getting through is now ILLEGAL and is now a CRIMINAL ACTIVITY and therefore you many NOT be able to get email from Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company . Therefore Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company recommends getting to and using email that does NOT blacklist or filter or block now legal Unsolicited Bulk Email or UBE or Unsolicited Commercial Email or UCE . If your email address changes and you still want the occasional notification or breakthroughs or information given then you need to send email with your new email address to opt- [email protected] . It is worth your time and effort to notify and then get the occasional notifications. If you are in an abuse or anti-SPAM or blacklist or filtering or blocking or other department that intends on or does make it that future newsletters and email of Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company cannot get through your domains and your mail servers then you are doing something that is ILLEGAL now and is CRIMINAL ACTIVITY and this has civil and criminal liability for you personally and for each and every person that does this. Your corporation or corporate veil cannot protect you and Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company can pierce the corporate veil and get through to you with the US Attorney and State Attorneys and District Attorneys and the FTC and depending on what you do also the FBI and more and also civilly and therefore DO NOT BLACKLIST Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company and DO NOT BLOCK any future email of Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company and DO NOT FILTER any future email of Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company out and DO NOT do anything else that would or could prevent future emails of Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company from reaching anybody and everybody at your domain or domains and email servers and company and employees and customers and more. If you do this then YOU are the CRIMINAL and you also have civil liability now. If you DO something that is a crime in a company it is that this company CANNOT protect you in the slightest and this is THE 100% TRUTH. It is now that blacklisting and filtering and blocking and Blocking of Port 25 and Blocking SMTP connections and filtering out email and anything related that does not allow any person in the United States of America to send email to anybody and then have opt-out or opt-in and that COMPLY with the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 are doing something that is ILLEGAL and you are a CRIMINAL for doing this and you have CRIMINAL LIABILITY and CIVIL LIABILITY and your company CANNOT protect you in the slightest. If your company asked you to murder somebody would you do this? Of course not for most. Then do NOT do illegal and criminal things now that are out side of the law and outside of Federal Law now with the passing of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003. The corporate veil can be pierced and board members of the corporation and officers of the corporation and executives of the corporation and managers of the corporation and employees of the corporation that are involved in the slightest in the writing of or approval of or enforcement of Terms of Service or Policies or Procedures or Business Decisions or Business Practices or Zero Tolerance Policies that would or does interrupt or cancel or block or filter or blacklist or harass or defame the character of or slander Ted Jesus Christ GOD and or Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company in the slightest from sending legal email now and into the future are COMMITTING A CRIME and have CIVIL LIABILITY also and can be pursued by the US Attorney and State Attorneys and District Attorneys and the FTC and also if doing certain things also the FBI and more. If calling Ted Jesus Christ GOD and or Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company a SPAMMER and then BLACKLISTING or BLOCKING or FILTERING or putting into list or putting into any Product or Service anything related to stopping the emails of Ted Jesus Christ GOD and or Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company you are also committing DEFAMATION OF CHARACTER and LIBEL and SLANDER and damaging the good reputation of Ted Jesus Christ GOD and Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company . Any that send any type of email or hostile email or report Ted Jesus Christ GOD and or Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company to any that provide service for them with the intent to stop or cancel or interrupt this service or do damage to the good reputation of Ted Jesus Christ GOD and or Quest System with them or anybody including words on any Website or in any News Groups or anywhere are liable for this and have CRIMINAL and CIVIL liability and exposure and if doing this also expose their entire company or organization and ALL board members and ALL officers and ALL top management and ALL management and ALL employees. The corporate veil can be pierced and this exposes the board members and officers and executives and managers and employees down to the lowest levels. If there is a valid email address out there then this is legal for Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company to send email to this until this specific email address does opt-out from getting future newsletters from Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company . Therefore Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company can and does intend to send to existent and many different email addresses to reach anybody and everybody that Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company can and also to PUT THEM ON NOTICE that these had better NOT mess with Ted Jesus Christ GOD and or Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company now or in the future in the slightest concerning this legal Unsolicited Bulk Email or UBE or Unsolicited Commercial Email or UCE that is actually NOT SPAM. It is that ALL Terms and Conditions of Service and Terms of Service and any Products and Services that are Anti-SPAM or SPAM HOSTILE or that filter or that block or that block certain ports and especially the SMTP Port of Port 25 and that block certain IP Addresses and that blacklist are COMPLETELY ILLEGAL if stopping or thwarting a person that is born in and lives in and is a Citizen of the United States of America from sending now Unsolicited Bulk Email or UBE or Unsolicited Commercial Email or UCE per the and complying with the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003. It is also that them in positions that are filtering and or blocking and or blacklisting and or reporting and or over reacting and or enforcing zero tolerance policies and or enforcing low tolerance policies and or enforcing the now many ILLEGAL Terms of Service that are now completely contradictory to Federal Law are actually going to have to PROVE that Ted Jesus Christ GOD and or Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company is committing illegal SPAM if this is the accusation and the reason for their reaction and taking any action. This will have to be PROVEN in court! This will take a lot and for certain much more than most have that overreact to SPAM complaints currently! Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company is further arguing that if this is the situation that these are NOT Law Enforcement and have NO jurisdiction in this matter and these have to rely on Federal authorities for enforcement. Therefore if taking any action against Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company concerning SPAM it is that Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company can sue them if not the PROPER Federal Authorities for FALSE Enforcement of a US Federal Law if in the United States of America and taking any action against Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company in the slightest now and into the future until the laws change. You do NOT have in the United States of America a citizen taking any action against another citizen in the slightest if these suspect that citizen of committing most crimes and now this is the same how this is to be and has to be treated for any that legally send Unsolicited Bulk Email or UBE or Unsolicited Commercial Email or UCE that is LEGAL and is NOT SPAM and also for any that send SPAM. This is reported and then handled by the PROPER authorities. If you do take action you should be able to PROVE ahead of time and then PROVE in court that Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company was committing illegal SPAM. For any that now try to enforce anything related to SPAM in the Computer and Software and Internet Industry these are taking ENORMOUS RISK and are EXPOSING themselves and their entire company and are IDIOTS and FOOLS! Therefore now that the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 is now Federal Law it is that NO company or board member or officer or employee or customer of any company or citizen can take any action in the slightest against any that commit SPAM and definitely NOT against any that send Unsolicited Bulk Email or UBE or Unsolicited Commercial Email of UCE because this can now only legally be enforced by the PROPER Federal Authorities with the PROPER JURISDICTION over this. This is how this is suppose to work. If you opt-out and then later get a new or more or different email address then you are NOT opt-out anymore and you are opt-in for these new or different or any additional email addresses until you opt-out for these specifically and this is how that works legally and physically. For any that get hostile towards or flame or send any shape or form of a threat to Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company it will be that these will be proactively reported to the FBI. If you are a corporation or company or partnership or soul proprietorship in the United States of America and mess with Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company in the slightest or stop Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company from sending future emails to ALL of your employees and ALL of your customers and ALL at your domains and ALL on your mail servers and ALL on your computers it is that Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company can sue you minimum and also any that did not receive their emails and you need to ask yourself how deep are the pockets of the corporation and board members and top executives and executives and managers and employees or partnership or soul proprietorship and their managers and employees. There could be and will be put a dollar value on each email blocked or filtered out or bounced like $7,000.00 each and then you sued for that amount minimum. For any that find out that their ISP also known to be Internet Service Provider or Email Service Provider or Web Hosting Company or Company or Organization or any other entity or person is blocking or filtering or stopping Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company emails from getting through or has blacklisted Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company in the slightest these can report this to [email protected] . For them that do NOT want to be included in any conspiracy or be a co-conspirator for any that are hindering the delivering of future email from Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company it is that these can be a whistle blower and can send email to [email protected] with their name and the names of the people involved and a detailed description of the incident or what these did and then Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company will get this to the proper authorities and government agencies and sometimes also attorneys. Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company is insisting that any that want to or still do filter out bad or illegal SPAM can figure out what is good and legal and right email by looking at and scanning the Subject Line that is suppose to have in this ADV. Therefore it has to be that the networks cannot control this or filter out anything with ADV in the subject line because this is legally suppose to get through. Some will argue that these can put locks on doors and locks and security and security guards into their company to prevent theft and therefore these can do similar things to prevent illegal SPAM. Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company is arguing that if you accuse and then hit and wrestle a person down on the streets and do a citizens arrest and false arrest them and these are innocent then you can be arrested for Felony Assault and also civilly sued for DAMAGES and also sued for False Arrest and defamation of character and libel and slander and more. Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company is arguing further that if you hinder the delivery of US Mail and this also includes unrestricted junk mail and advertising that can be sent it is that this is a FELONY and a CRIME and there are stiff financial penalties and also there is CIVIL LIABILITY and is NOT something that you want to do in the slightest. Therefore this is similar now to Unsolicited Bulk Email or UBE or Unsolicited Commercial Email or UCE that is allowed under the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 and any that stop or hinder or thwart or delay or cancel service for or interrupt service for any that are trying to send Unsolicited Bulk Email or UBE or Unsolicited Commercial Email or UCE it is that these have CRIMINAL and CIVIL liability and should also have STIFF FINANCIAL PENALTIES that are enforced by law. Therefore Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company is arguing that any that Block Port 25 or any SMTP transfers from any of Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company computers or block or filter out or interfere with or delay or blacklist or anything else to stop the delivery of HIS messages it is that these are STEALING Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company messages and are committing a CRIME and have CRIMINAL LIABILITY and also CIVIL LIABILITY and also should have STIFF PENALTIES. This should be very similar to how the US Mail is handled and the Computer and Software and Internet Industry and ISPs and Email Service Providers and Web Hosting Providers need to STOP messing with this and interfering and arrogantly saying or insisting that the Computer and Software and Internet Industry can regulate self and regulate their technology and regulate their users and customers and regulate this per their Terms of Service and or Company Policies and or Company Procedures and or Company Business Decisions. Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company is arguing further that ALL US Mail gets delivered and people can then choose to read this or not or quickly sort out the stuff these do not want to read and the advertisements and junk mail and throw that in the trash. Therefore any that block or filter or blacklist or something else to prevent illegal SPAM are committing a crime because without a doubt these will also from time to time or more often prevent people from getting legal Unsolicited Bulk Email or UBE or Unsolicited Commercial Email or UCE or legal email and legal communications and legal information that if from Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company these will NEED ENORMOUSLY. It is that there NEEDS to be STIFF PENALTIES and CRIMINAL LIABILITY and CIVIL LIABILITY for each and every piece of email that is not delivered due to blocking and filtering and blacklisting and more that is related. Therefore the US Mail Service does set legal precedence for email and Email Service in the United States of America and this is how Email should work and has to work and this is how Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company will argue this in court in the future. Therefore Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company is further arguing that the US Postmaster should be involved also in the regulation of US Email now and into the future. For this email that Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company sends Internationally it is that Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company is ARGUING that if COMPLYING with the current CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 and sending from the United States of America it is that Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company is ARGUING that Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company is NOT committing SPAM and any in the United States of America that ATTEMPT to regulate or interrupt or cancel service for that have to realize that these have NO jurisdiction Internationally for what Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company does Internationally. Therefore if interrupting or canceling or blacklisting Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company for sending email Internationally that COMPLIES with the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 it is that you are outside of your jurisdiction and CANNOT regulate or interrupt or cancel service for that or DEFAME THE CHARACTER of or SLANDER and ACCUSE and then CONVICT of committing SPAM and this from the Computer and Software and Internet Industry with interrupting or canceling service or blacklisting or blocking or filtering out or something else that Interrupts Internet Service and or Internet Sites and or Email and future emails from getting through from any that provide service to Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company related to the Internet or any Federal or State or Local Authorities in the United States of America if COMPLETELY COMPLYING with the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003. For the email accounts of Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company it is that Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company does WANT for ALL filters and blocking and X-Spam and Spam Protection to be TURNED OFF and TAKEN OUT and OFF COMPLETELY for Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company and any emails to the domain is to be unhindered and to get through and this each and every piece with NO EXCEPTIONS! Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company cannot guarantee that from where you are sending or for any place your email travels through that this will not be filtered or blocked or stopped or erased or tagged or something else that stops the much needed reliable delivery of email. If you get a newsletter from Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company it will be that Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company will TRY to send a newsletter occasionally and if you never get another news letter from Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company and did not opt-out then it is that your ISP also understood to be Internet Service Provider or Email Service Provider or Web Hosting and Email Company or your Company or the Domains and Email Servers where you get email have BLOCKED or are FILTERING or BOUNCING Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company from getting through or have BLACKLISTED Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company . If this happens you NEED to send an email to [email protected] and Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company will handle the situation through the proper Federal Agencies and with the proper State Authorities and More. When sending email it is that Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company will NOT be able to reply or respond and therefore if you can please also include a different email address or email addresses that Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company may be able to get through and also a good old and reliable and trusted US Mail physical mailing address this will help for you to get reliable communication from Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company . Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company is NOT sending out SPAM this is what you could call legal Unsolicited Bulk Email or UBE or can be also called Unsolicited Commercial Email or UCE and is NOT SPAM. This is COMPLETELY LEGAL if complying with the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 if living in the United States of America and sending from the United States of America. The Computer and Software and Internet Industry are NOT to regulate or stop or block or filter or blacklist out any email of Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company and this is for the individual user of an email account or them with the COMPLETE LEGAL AUTHORITY over an email account to delete a message and not read this or opt-out. Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company is further arguing that individual SPAM Protection Software is ILLEGAL now and cannot block out or filter out or stop legal UBE or UCE. Therefore Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company has to get through and this unhindered or them that hinder HIM are actually committing a CRIME and have CRIMINAL LIABILITY and also CIVIL LIABILITY! For any that have any complaints about the legal UBE of UCE of Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company and send email about this or post on news groups about this it is that Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company also does want for this to be forwarded to [email protected] . The from is: Ted Jesus Christ GOD and Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company The valid and working and stable return email address is: [email protected] , The subject line is: TJCGNewsletter3 - Revision 1.0.2 - Ted keeps getting DRASTICALLY HACKED from Demons to STOP these and Ted will keep TRYING! ADV The physical mailing address is: Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company , P.O. Box 1108, Phoenix AZ. 85001 The PRIMARY Internet Site of Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company currently is . Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company only occasionally send email and to opt-out and have your email address removed from a list you need to and this from the email address you are wanting to opt-out send email to [email protected] and in the Subject Line put only the word of opt-out and then in the text of the body you need to put your full name and state that for this email address that you have full legal authority to opt-out. You need to realize that email is now ENORMOUSLY UNRELIABLE and therefore your opt-out request may NEVER be received because of blocking or filtering out or SPAM protection and blacklisting and this from your sending side and through any that your email travels through and then on the receiving side and much more and therefore if you get another email from Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company after sending an opt-out request it will be because Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company never received the opt-out request. Therefore to be sure you will NEED to send your opt-out request in the reliable good old US Mail to the address listed above to be sure if you keep receiving emails from Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company . You see there are NOT the stiff penalties for blocking or filtering out or erasing or blacklisting that your email is not delivered like with the US Mail because them in the Computer and Software and Internet Industry seem to be and do take the law into their own hands too often and are NOT reliable delivery agents in the slightest for email. It was and is TRUE that much bona-fide and legitimate and good email gets filtered out and blocked and stopped from blocking and blacklisting each and every day. It is TRUE that email is ENORMOUSLY UNRELIABLE and therefore any communication to Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company that you WANT to get through please send email and then a follow up in the good old and reliable and trusted US Mail to the address listed above! It is THE 100% TRUTH that email now is COMPLETELY UNRELIABLE! It is that opt-out request are handled automatically and individually and therefore you cannot send email instructing that ALL at your organization or company or domain or certain or many or ALL domains that you own or control are to be is that each opt-out request is going to have to be sent from the email address that is to be opt- out and that From email address for this to be processed and handled automatically and correctly and for the opt-out request to work. Due to getting knocked down for now you can send email and opt-out request to [email protected]. Ted Jesus Christ GOD Company Newsletter 3 Revision 1.0.2 Date 07-11-04