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October 24, 2002

eat the wienie

i got some good work done on plate today. after all my semester's of harping on the whole the-computer-is-a-valuable-tool-for-creating-art thing, it finally sunk in with mark... got the newish flaming lips album (pink robots...) it is fucking awesome. hecka frikkin awesome. (dude) (brah) here is a proof i pulled. i changed the image a teensy bit befor ei left, but forgot to piccy that. chris got his first "floaty heads and cartoony bullshit" talk today. it's like watching the history of shawn+eric.monster unfolding all over again. without the jade'd'ness. had good talks with gordon, chris and nick today. got some compliments and criticisms... dished out some heat. feeling positive.

check domain name, domain name forwarding

Posted by: web hosting on October 8, 2005 02:03 AM

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