January 11, 2003

bleh meeting

4.5hr meeting this morning. after that i went and looked at places. i hear about that place i want to get into tomorrow. so far its the best by far. picked up socom. fixed that computer. it ended up being the video card itself (hardware) a 5min fix. grr im mad i wasted my friday night. steph isnt coming over this weekend, she had a big test this morning (praxis) and then tomorrow is going to SF to meet her friends. ive got to look at more houses so she's going on her own. im posting this from another computer i finally fixed. i dont kno why im having such a hard time fixing computers lately. either the problems are getting more exotic (hardware instead of software) or im losing my touch. i blame via. the itrip is the coolest thing ever. i now want an ipod for my car.

pthree> i got a new case
pthree> i went to a pub to see a band (what i thought was last night) but their toilet broke
pthree> so the band played at their house
pthree> then after that it was partyish then we went to another band's house
pthree> and a girl touched me and complimented my glasses but i didnt know what to do
pthree> she was a huggy hippy and shawn wouldnt kick her even though i wished he would.

sara's mom was driving behind me i think.

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