ugh, we slept on this little mini-twin bed. the damned dogs spent the whole night keeping us awake, then @ 8a decided they couldnt bother with us being horizontal any longer. stupid cute little muppets. the house is too creepy for words so we're gonna bunk up @ her parents house and just keep the dogs company off and on for the rest of the weekend. went and picked up sub from repair place. apparently when i bought it open box from best buy some trickery had been applied to it. it was a jbl pb10 that someone had sunk a pioneer 10" woofer into. so it popped and was thouroughly dead. they replaced the woofer and put what should have been in, in. they say it should be much better than what i had in there (and i thought that was good!) went to a comic book shop and perused. picked up a couple of "Big Books" i have all but 3 now.