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August 20, 2003

same virus.

tonight is drawing night. i have big plans for 3 diff drawings. if one of you out there works on the youth advisory board for soex could you drop me a line? i'd like to know who put >THIS< up so i can thank them. as of this morning the server has collected 254MB of sobig.f, 2378 copies. the 48 hr rule is in effect y'all. fucking shit day at work again, but people this time, not virus. landlord left some $$ for me in an envelope, thanking me for my patience and understanding re: maggots + plumbing. it was a very nice gesture and i will have to thank him tomorrow. went to shawn's for drawing night and silvaniemade a good dinner.

first and second drawing are ver 2, 3rd drawing is all new. comments comments comments, please.

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