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November 17, 2003

whoa nelly

im thinking about changing my css around. im thinking about a lot of things. im thinking about the girls that scared me the other night. i get spooked pretty easy. im thinking i might start drawing real people, the ones that spook me.
jehly came over around 10 or so and we drew till 1. i think it was very productive and beneficial for the both of us. the reason you see collaborative in drawing instead of cheeseissliced is because shawn didnt have a hand in these 2 drawings and CIS is about shawn and i so it didnt feel right putting them there.

i pimped out your sight today. my mom needed to print some flight info so we swung by the j.c. while she was doing that i was looking at sights. i had your's up and some kid next to me liked it. so i gave him your url and cheeseissliced.

Posted by: boxx on November 17, 2003 10:29 PM

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