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June 16, 2004

beep beep

today i stared at a wordy box for 8 hrs. i went home and stared at a different wordy box, then i made some mushroom udon with celery. i doodled a bit, but it was crap so i did some math. ern came home and we talked and such till we were wubbing our widdle sweepy fists into ow widdle sweepy eyes. did i mention i wrote some neat procmail code the other day? this code scans incoming mail for attachments, if it is a zip file, and named "foo.zip" it gets delivered. if it is a zip file with any other name than "foo.zip" a message is sent to the sending party informing them of our policy regarding zip files and viruses and such and such. after the message is sent, the message continues on through the bit of code that bins it as a virus (so that i can then scrape it off of the server in an emergency).
Several options. if you remove the "#" the original attachment will be included with the message. i don't recommend this, because it eats your bandwidth and auto-responders are already shitty things to do to people, let alone making the message big with the attachment. the "cat /var/reply.msg" can be any plain text file with the message you want to send back to the sending party. it doesnt have to be in /var/ that's just where i stuck it.

*^Content-type: (multipart/mixed)
:0 B
*^Content-Disposition: (attachment|inline)

*^Content-type: (multipart/mixed)
:0 B
*^Content-Disposition: (attachment|inline)
:0 c
subject=| formail -x "Subject:"
:0 c
respondto=| formail -r | head -1

:0 Hc
| ( echo "$respondto" ;\
echo "Subject: Re: $subject" ;\
cat /var/reply.msg ;\
# cat ;\
) | $SENDMAIL -t

:0 H
*^Content-type: (multipart/mixed)
:0 B
*^Content-Disposition: (attachment|inline)


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