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October 16, 2004


woke up early with erny. she went to her marathon training and i went to the mall for the santa rosa apple mini store opening. there were only 15 people or so ahead of me. someone brought out warm and fresh krispy kremes. i think his name was jim. jim introduced the rest of the staff and we waited around for a bit more. coworker q showed up and then ern showed up after she had freshened up and changed. 10mins later or so and they lowered the blackout curtain and raise the gate. the inside of the store is wonderful. it's like being inside a g5 tower. everything is aluminum and white plastic. there isnt really any definitive light source, though the ceilign appeared to be translucent white plastic. coworker q is an construction estimator/project manager and he said it was a really preicey build. he said the floor was epoxy and was a really good installation of it. all of the sales/pos equipment was buried behind aluminum dummy panels. when closed the only giveaway was little lines where the parts seperated. the doors leading back to the stock room didnt even seem to be doors until they were opening or closing. it was like bing at a gallery art opening. we ended up buying ern a pink mini ipod and an itrip for her 15gb ipod that now belongs to ME. the shirts they were giving out were black, with santa rosa apple store on the front. the problem with them though, is that they were giving out size xlarge. ern says she can make them fit us though by dissasembling then reassembling with the sewing machine i got her for her bday.

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