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September 13, 2005

i'll get to the rest of vegas.
great news:

I'm ok.. Shamefully I missed your email. I rarely check that Y! Account.. I had
it forwarded to me until the premiun service expired August 18th. Also, like an
idiot I had [email protected] forwarded to [email protected]. To
compound matters I spent my first week in exile on a ranch in rural Oklahoma. No
Sprint vision in them thar hills. :-(

Thanks for you concern. At the moment I'm in San Francisco. This is the first time
I've been homeless and and without income for quite some time. So, after living a
couple of weeks in denial, the time has come to shift gears and have a small break.

My business is dry, intact, and full of inventory. So, when New Orleans re-opens
I'll be ready to go. It is doubtful that the economy will rebound immediately, but
at least I still have something to do when I get back =) .

I'm in the process of buying a laptop, so hopefully I'll see you in #palmchat soon.
If you could put the upirc prc files up on a web server, I could pop in a bit


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