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July 06, 2006


back. drew in the blackbook while we were out a few nights. vacation was amazing. ern's mom's house is a block or two away from the rogue river so we hung out there a bunch. picked up a souvenir while i was there. the cul-de-sac was populated by a bunch of ex-santarosanians and there was a teeming pile of kids for the fourth. took a bunch of long exposure shots. uploaded a few here. we had ourselves a time enjoying the road trip, taking scenic detours, being lazy. we dropped scott off @ his brothers house in crescent city, but before we got there we saw a bear and elk by the side of the road. that was pretty neat.

i didn't really know ern's mom before we went up there but she is a great person. we had more in common than not, which was surprising.

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