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November 17, 2006

tap tap tap... hello?

oh wow website i haven't seen you in forever! how ya doing? where ya been? man, we should totally catch up some time. right now? oh, no i'm on my way to the... thing. but no, yeah we should get coffee, catch up yeah. yeah that'll be great. my number? oh i totally lost my cellphone last week sry. why dont you give me your number and i'll call you. yeah i'll totally call. it was great seeing you website, you look awesome. sure. yeah! absolutely.
in other news i'm a lvl 8 warrior with 2 mythril blades and cid totally joined my party... sup ff3.
also, this is the last page in my ruled taskpad. i'm switching to unlined paper in a regular blackbook now.

No more lined paper, took ya long enough.

Posted by: sara on November 17, 2006 05:12 PM

That update was hellza ghey.
Imma knock you one for it later.

Posted by: crza on November 17, 2006 05:15 PM

Oh, my love of mythril will never wane.

Posted by: Calvin Carl on November 17, 2006 10:56 PM

any new shows I want to hit it up maybe take a trip up north. I hope you update a lot.

Posted by: luke on November 18, 2006 10:48 AM

okie okie sheesh.

Sara, I went from lined to blank to lined now back to blank through the years. As weird as it sounds, I'm kinda nervous about this hop right now.

Crza, You're one to talk! A shorty like you couldn't even reach high enough to do massivedamageeee. Your package ships first thing monday.

Calvin, Now they're all leveled up and fully decked out in mythril, including dual swords. So proud of my little doodz.

Luke, I don't know but I'll post about whatever comes up with enough time to plan something. I think work and personal life are going to calm down now = more posts.

Posted by: Eric Bostrom on November 18, 2006 03:18 PM

I could do like 60+ dmg w/ +5 elemental and a 25% for poison.
I don't even wanna hear it Blowstorm.

Posted by: crza on November 19, 2006 11:11 PM

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Posted by: Bill on February 17, 2007 12:55 AM

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