gettin' my emu on... steph makes a mean ravioli crockpot thing. got my first rebate check of 2, but instead of getting a gbasp, ill be paying bills. bills bills bills.
crit?: 0had to work on an upper-mgmt's home computer. bleh. noone has gbasp demo's up in the stores. missed the old vic's closing night due to computer.
crit?: 2steph went to a baby shower and i fixed work server and got groceries. it broke and took several hours to fix. went to a bbq @ chris's house it was fun saw a lot of people i hadnt seen in awhile. unfortunately i had a headache that Wouldnt Go Away.
crit?: 0rode my bike to work. then helped move shit around. im a bit out of shape. this was at roshambo. the gallery.
crit?: 0went into SR today to fix a computer, stopped by parents house. dad had an operation not too long aog so he was all gimpy. i found some very expensive data (a pshop .acv) that we paid a lot of money for calibrating equipment. it got lost but i had made backups then stored the backups.
crit?: 2i accidently left the burner on my stove on all night. how's that for excitement jack? i hate electric ranges. esp mine, it doesnt glow red. i will be boring and robotic and alone beep beep. brent's wife went in to labour 6 weeks early last night. i paid my crushing 6 month insurance premium. draw night is tonight.
crit?: 0i swear if i do the same damn thing one more night in a row i will become a robot. i need some excitement by way of adventure or mischief.
crit?: 1boring boredom bored. way to uptard that blog sanjeev! played the crap out of mslug3.
crit?: 0steph and i have vowed to not sleep in as late on the weekends. went to see shawn at work, picked up my prescrip sunglasses that he had picked up from the eyeglasses place for me. its been awhile since i have had correct vision. the sunglasses are polarized too. it feels like the first tiem i had contacts in. i can see so much better.
crit?: 1linds came over for a visit, we talked for awhile then both fell asleep. steph came home from her "eCamp " thing so we went to steph's dad's sports night fundraiser thing. steph got a wee bit smashy. i got a wee bit smashy. we danced, they danced. an older lady hit on me, steph danced me away from that horrorshow. i spent the morning excavating my back yard. the greenery had overrun most of the fixtures and platners. there are brick steps, various cinder blocks and wood planters that were all but obscured from the jungle of crap growing since who knows when.
crit?: 0ok, everything is changed. no longer exists the multiple pages. gallery is one entity, blog is another. blog/portal is also front page for please update your xml/rdf feeds. aqnd report any wonkiness you cleaver little midgets. thanks!
crit?: 1still messiin around on blog stuff. fine tuning etc. source for the last5 strip is here
crit?: 0drawing night is wednesday, went to ssu cause it's the most convenient way. you'll see on the left there are 2 new drawings. so im not going to bother linking here. so in the past 7 days i have done 4ish drawings. that's a lot better than 0 drawings which was my average right after graduation. got good news from smova this morning. actually any news is good news they've been pretty tight lipped. found out form chris later on (he drove to smova) that we will get info on our stuff (what it went for, how much, who bought it etc.) "in several weeks" also i never got my "award/prize" for getting an honourable mention. i'll have to call or email carol to find out what's going on with that.
crit?: 3over the last several days i have modified the site pretty heavy. the gallery now emails me when anyone comments, i wrote up some code (with logic help) to display the 5 most recent drawings, all pages have a unified look, changed webcam page, changed front page, moved log archives to the bottom of this page. what do you think? the plan is to move the drawings to the right, vertical, along side the blog, tomorry. it's 10p and i need some dinner :) if anyone wants the source its right here, and here is the test page (also useful for mobile viewing)
crit?: 0During the LA riots, back in the early 90's, the tv was full of images of destruciton and chaos. It meant something to me, but not a lot. I didn't quite understand the signifigance of it, the people participating or the actions they were taking. I remember that guy that got pulled from the truck and smashed on, i remember the people running around.
One day my mom couldnt take it anymore and she went outside and started crying. I was confused and didnt know how i could help. Most of all she seemed non-responsive to me or to anything. I feel so frustrated right now. Frustrated and ineffectual.
today we napped a lot. steph is still sick and i've got a very weird headache.steph hasnt been officially laid off, so mebbe she didnt get laid off for next year (she teaches high school art)
the next time i see her we will be at war.
crit?: 0woke up so late it was time for dinner. saw a lady get busted shoplifting toys. steph made pizza. drew a bit.
crit?: 0friday, worked, 2hr meeting with pres. turns out our accounting prgram has a form which will save us a $22k-33k rollout. after work steph and shawn and silvaniecame over and we then went to see jasper's band, JOHN WAYNE CRUCIFIX. it was too loud and peopley, we left. i started illustrating funkathrusta's story, here's the illu. yeha, hope to have that done by sunday.
john wayne crucifix doesnt have a website, if youa re looking for them. they play with the rum diary at times. the rum diary can be found here and they will be on a comp put out by substandard called "Translation. Music. 3." the cd relase for that is oct 4th 2003 @ the tenderloft i doubt you'll find me there.
crit?: 0went back to the ol' alma mater last night. hung out with shawn and drew. show @ luke's house tomorry night, jasper and luke's band playing. li and judah are coming over tonight for dinner. bedissa got in a car wreck today. 2" cut on scalp, 5 staples, fucked up car. She was teary on the phone. poor mel. {{mel}}
crit?: 1props to cops. had a very strange entry in my logfile (i tail -f for entertainment) - - [12/Mar/2003:14:57:13 -0800] "GET /dmblog/ HTTP/1.0" 200 10938 "-" "obidos-bot (just looking for books.) [email protected]"
im certainly glad i saw this. onfocus has feature bloat, but it is inventive and refreshing. very nice to see a blogger who doesnt merely modify a set-package. I have tried to get my 5 recent pictures from my gallery above my blog here. i failed but mebbe i need to solicit help, whether its O'reilly or O'Beggy in origin.
funny enough, onfocus creator and oreilly are both in sebastopol (20min drive(if that))
A work is never completed except by some accident such as weariness, satisfaction, the need to deliver, or death.
- Paul Valery (1871 - 1945)
crit?: 0monday flew by. decided not to go to philly. i cant afford to take on any more avoidable consumer debt, esp luxuries like vacationing.
crit?: 0we were supposed to go to the legionne today to se the poland thing. steph woke up too sick to go. this was a slight relief because i was tired of "going" for the weekend and sdidnt feel like burning my precious precious expensive petrol to drive there. 87 octane was $2.12~ last i bought and im gonna milk this tank for all that its worth. esp. now that cheney's company got the contract to scoop up iraq's oil.
crit?: 0went to will's show @ roshambo, was ok. we were not cool enough to blend in. it looked like a juxtapoz magazine exploded in there. later on we went to smova for the auction. when we got there (when it opened) someon had scribbled a line on my bid form. so we finally figured out what had happened when we asked someone who worked there. i had valued the drawing @ $75, they upped it to $100 and someone "PBI" had bid on it (opening bid) for $375. this is the drawing i had in at the auctioni was pretty giddy. drank their wine, drank their coffee, ate their food as it goes. after that we drove back to my house and stepha nd silvaniewatched movies while shawn and i drew. we need to reinstitute drawing night.
crit?: 1man o man. what a weird freakin night. saw everyone i had ever met in santa rosa at the old vic. even a girl from junior high. weird. sara was there and hannah too! and leah came by, and her usband and so and so. shawn and i drew. the rum diary didnt play till around midnight and they were heckled. it wasnt that great of a show.
crit?: 0been drawing a lot lately, go check it out which is good. cause i hadnt been drawing.
crit?: 0cold @ my house. didnt do a damn thing. got a response from that guy, he didnt know any better.
crit?: 0work, a day like any other. went home, put together my bbq, grilled up some steak. got to talking to melissa online, we decided to drive out to screamin' mimi's for currant sorbet. did so. all out of currant sorbet. bitches. it was good anyway. we talked for a long while. had some tea etc, etc. i need a puppy or something.
that guy took the site down. i am happy. no response.
crit?: 0ok, in that gallery now left work early to go get oil change. but the stupid techs left at stupid 4:30 even though they were open till 6p. so i drove up to santa rosa and got my oil changed quickly. then went to parents house for weedwhacker they invited me to stay for dinner. dad finally got a sketch ofa tattoo he'd more or less like so i can start modifying it now. got home nad had a ginormous insurance bill. im not used to this spending all my money on crap i dont want to thing. fucking life, sheesh. $923/6months. im gonna call tomorrow and see if i can get it lowered. some fucker stole from my site. so i gave him what-for. this is after i found out abou ins. so he got what-for but poilitely as i could being extremely pissed off. if the image isnt down tomorrow, it's ISP time. anyway blah.
crit?: 2