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« August 2005 | Main | October 2005 »

September 29, 2005

is anyone else getting submission and opinion emails regarding a "black book raw zine" ? opinions?

crit?: 1

September 28, 2005

title sheet and TOC for the wedding/life guestbook. toc ruled paper look is drawn in, and though it didnt scan well is convincing in person.

crit?: 2

September 26, 2005

crit?: 4

September 25, 2005

got invited into a few upcoming shows. one is rilly rilly upcoming: due by oct 12th. no details on t'other yet, other than concept/theme. the lack of daily drawings and bigger drawings is due to me spending my drawing time drawing in our wedding guestbook. i'll upload after ern gets to see it. you'll hate it. no vaginas, no monsters, no deformed people, no concept at all!? it can't be art!

crit?: 1

September 23, 2005

crit?: 0

September 22, 2005

woo birthday!

crit?: 7

September 20, 2005

crit?: 0

September 15, 2005

parents brought over their wedding present for us last night. i'll take pics when it's all assembled. (serious woo!) getting close to the big day.
assembled, but it was too dark. i'm pretty sure owning a large bbq is a prerequisite for being a parent.
played burnout revenge for xbox till i fell asleep in a post race menu. watch this video of the new nintendo revolution controller in action. they win.

crit?: 10

September 14, 2005

got a new flash for my cam, compare this to this
jesse and i drew on seperate pieces of paper like normal. we traded @ the 1/2hr, then again after a 1/2hr... 1.5hrs total. we only noticed they worked together perfectly afterwards. very odd.

crit?: 2

September 13, 2005

i'll get to the rest of vegas.
great news:

I'm ok.. Shamefully I missed your email. I rarely check that Y! Account.. I had
it forwarded to me until the premiun service expired August 18th. Also, like an
idiot I had [email protected] forwarded to [email protected]. To
compound matters I spent my first week in exile on a ranch in rural Oklahoma. No
Sprint vision in them thar hills. :-(

Thanks for you concern. At the moment I'm in San Francisco. This is the first time
I've been homeless and and without income for quite some time. So, after living a
couple of weeks in denial, the time has come to shift gears and have a small break.

My business is dry, intact, and full of inventory. So, when New Orleans re-opens
I'll be ready to go. It is doubtful that the economy will rebound immediately, but
at least I still have something to do when I get back =) .

I'm in the process of buying a laptop, so hopefully I'll see you in #palmchat soon.
If you could put the upirc prc files up on a web server, I could pop in a bit


crit?: 0

September 09, 2005
strippers strippers everywhere, lets all have a drink

friday, got into vegas @ 3pm, checked into hotel @ airport, shuttled to bally's hotel. gambled each of us, once. got into room, set things down, checked out the view. down to the floor, baccarat immediately. free drinks soon after (vodka redbull all weekend). started walking (theme of weekend) check out the strip. went to venetian, checked out living statue. met up with ian eventually, then dave and mike an hour later. walked around looking for restaurant. poo-poo'd the first 'cause it looked to expensive. ended up @ a steak place, twice the price. had a great meal, veal medallions, lobster bisque, double of jameson. decided to walk to the hard rock casino, located in sunny canada. eventually made it there. v. young crowd, gambled and made my original walking cash for the day ($90) back in minutes. stopped. headed across the street to a strip joint, $30 cover, fuck that. limo drivers kept yelling at us to pick us up, so we talked to one. he got us into jaguars strip club for $20 cover each + $50 worth of free drinks + $free limo ride there.

strippers. i hadnt ever been to a stripclub. i highly highly recommend them if you like girls. had 4 dances in the VIP upstairs with "sasha/sara" sweet girl, we talked alot between the lapdances. after the vip, went fucking nuts picking out girls. i was drinking water since the hard rock, so i was stone sober. too much to write about, just remember: girls. caught another free limo back to the hotel where the driver, "bart" filled us in on how the limo thing works:

approach any limo driver @ night. ask them to take you to a strip club. ask them to get your cover waived (no cover) and eventually settle on $20 or whatever. get free ride + any kickbacks possible. the limo drivers get a kickback of $70 per person, so they can haggle with the door crew @ the strip club. it works out all around. the guys spend hundreds on lapdances, the limo drivers make $350 off our party of five, we get reduced or no cover, kickbacks and free limo rides.

we left the strip club @ 3:30 or 4a, then went back to bally's. somehow we had picked up a girl named lisa from the strip club, who had just turned 21 and driven to vegas from san bernadino, ca. her friends didnt want to come out so she was all alone. she also liked her some girlies, so she was broke. bought her drinks and shot the shit for a while, then decided to walk her back to circus circus. stupidest idea ever. bally's to circus circus is the equivalent distance of walking to hawaii. i have many blisters on my feet now. taxi'd back (should have just poured her into a taxi in the first place) got back into hotel room @ 6:30. went to sleep @7am. up for 24hrs woo!

crit?: 1

September 08, 2005

so last night after the gunshots, i was still upset from talking with jake when all of a sudden outside some lady starts screaming "help somebody please help me" in a bloodcurdling scream. it woke eren up and i had already flown out the door in my boxers. she called the cops and i met the neighbor on the corner and we ran around the corner to find a girl standing in the dark. we yelled at her to see if she was alright as we were walkign towards her, and she didnt respond so we switched to spanish (we live on the border of lil' mexico) we walked closer and she was crying and such. her abusive bf had ripped a necklace from her neck (her glasses we found out later) had stolen her car and was covering her mouth so she couldnt scream. we walked her back to the corner just as the cops were showing up. the bf appeared out of nowhere. i dont know if he parked whatever he had stolen from her or had stolen it earlier or what. this all started around 11. the cops called the house around 11:45 to get our details and they were still there when i was trying to go to sleep after midnight. a very weird week.

crit?: 4

September 07, 2005


it's odd that i drew this drawing for paperclip years ago. look at it. tell me that isnt an odd coincedence.
"I've been trying to track him down too, with no luck so far. If you find him, I'd appreciate it if you'd let me know if he/his relatives are okay. And please pass along my good wishes!


Heather Chaffin"

i havent felt like drawing, it isnt really important in the face of what is.
here's a link to jake's pics of the houston astrodome, here's his blog of what he and joel are doing there.

MOTHERFUCKING SHIT. as i'm typing this, i can hear a lot of shots being fired. fuck and there just went a shotgun. fucking piece of shit animals god damn it.

crit?: 1

September 06, 2005

UPDATE 9/7/05 joseph is safe and in oklahoma
Joseph "paperclip" Vitosky
Mary Jane's Emporium, L.L.C.
1229 Decatur ST
New Orleans, LA 70116
[email protected]
[email protected]

paperclip, if you're reading this we want to make sure you're alright. #palmchat is worried! leave a comment below.

woo! ern got plane tix and a hotel room and cash for a bachelor party for me in vegas this weekend! holy surprise batmans!

crit?: 0