comments:thats right.

look jerkass,

If this lady is wasting THAT much time at work, she deserves to be fired. She's making more work for others and apparently she doesn't care if she's been warned before. I recommend that you HIGHLIGHT her usage so it doesn't go unnoticed. Basicly what it boils down to is that it's NOT YOUR PROBLEM. Would you rather YOU get fired for making false reports covering up the fact that this beyotch can't keep her mind on her work? I think that's a good idea. I'm gonna call and complain to your boss tomorrow. I'm going to tell him/her/it that you waste endless hours babbling to me on ICQ when you should be working. It's not your fault if someone gets punished for abusing company resources, especialy if it's on something as pointless as forwarding clever little emails to her friends and family.

Posted by ShaD at July 29, 2003 09:53 PM

i should ebay my buckets of heart blood eh?

Posted by pthree at July 29, 2003 10:21 PM

jeesh... nobody likes a narc, but then again nobody likes the sacrificial cow either. seems like every so often your boss is going to say "bring me the sacrifice" then it will go away. culling the herd so to speak. so just warn everybody and give the higher ups really confusing tech-jargon babble and they will move on to some other task on their to do list. if no one is dwnloading music or pron and if they are getting their job done in a timely and productive manner, id call it no harm no fowl. you have to do your job, but you don't have to help make it easier for people to get caught.

Posted by boxx at July 30, 2003 11:49 AM

I already wrote a big long comment on this to you, but then my computer died and ate it, and I'm too lazy to type is all out again, so here is the short form.

If she did her job and didn't piss into the wind she wouldn't have gotten wet. That is not your fault. I'm sure she read her job description when they hired her, and prolly the employee hand book as well.

In the mean time, send out a memo, letting everyone know that BigBrother is out there, and checking up on things, and that it will continue to happen, so if they get pinched fuck them. I know you like them all, but its not your fault they're daft. Its your job, and they shoul know that.

hugs and puppies*

Posted by li at July 31, 2003 07:02 PM

"I hope she just gets a reprimand
... like the one she got the last time she got busted heavily emailing her friends."

Heh, she got busted once and STILL hasn't figured out how to keep from being caught doing this? And she didn't think they'd have another report generated that would bust her AGAIN?

If that lady gets fired, it's her own fault for being stupid. Caught once, ok fine she didn't know she'd be monitored. Caught twice? Nobody's fault but her own.

Posted by JB at August 3, 2003 04:56 PM

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