july 29th
Shawn wrote:
"back in berlin baby! its nice to walk into a
forign city and know how to get around... like a pro... eisenach was
wierd... theres not really anthing to do there but go to the castle
and drink beer... good luck finding anthing to eat at 11 at night...
took a nap... had been walking around for hours in the sun... woke up
and low and behold nothing open but a couple of cafes and bars... so
i drank my dinner... tride to go out in the mourning to get stuff and
everything was closed... forgot it was sunday... overheard some american
tourist asking about where they could find a mass... funny walking into
a city that worships martin luther like a st. and trying to find a catholic
church... but i guess there is one somewhere, but only one... so jumped
on the train and off to berlin for a couple of days... rather just chill
here then spend too much money in paris... i think i should of stayed
in praha for another day but... i dont think my liver would of agreed...
not shure what ill do here... probably go to wild at heart (a local
punk bar... it was closed when i was here before...) try and find some
galleries and stuff... i,ve already done the sights... actually getting
ideas for pieces again... after like 3 weeks of no artistic ability
or thought bamm im in a book store browsing the photo 4 color glossie
coffee table items and like three decent ideas poped into my head...
sweat i hate (just about more then anything) being in a rut... hope
the flow sticks around for a while... i need my asphaltem fix... "
july 28th
Shawn wrote:
"in eisenach... yesterday was a bit trying... took the first train
here but it was way to late to grab a room, since there seem to be no
hostles you have to book a room through the tourist info... there cheep
but not as cheep as a hostle.. so since the tourist center was closed,
real bright closing at 400 whenthe first train from dresden and i think
berlin as well doesnt come until 6 at the earlist... so i walked around
the town for like 2 hours and found a place but it was not cheep...
ugghhh so i spent the same as i would of for like a week in praha in
a night... but its better then sleeping in the park... got up and went
to the wartburg... its kinda wierd seeing your name everywhere... had
fun at the castle, but the only way to see it was to take a tour, which
was only in german... but it was still cool... really butifull... and
martin luther translated the new testiment there... and goethe wrote
about some local legend, and wagner used to stay there to... saw a demonstraion
against facism here... which was lame... bunch of punk kids there who
just sat around listing to rage against the machine but couldnt speak
english... last night drank eisenacher beer in eisenach... how cool
is that... people at the pension im stayiing at tonight and the hotel
looked at me funny when they saw my passport... i should get free beer
since it has my name on it right? tommorow going back to berlin for
a couple of nights and then off to paris for the longest day in history...
im taking a night train on the 31st arriving on the mourning of the
1st staying up all day so i dont have to spend more money on an overcrowded
overpriced hostle and then just hang out at the airport till check in
which is at 4 in the mourning and i dont get to the sfo till 1 in the
afternoon cali time... ughh... this town reminds me a lot of san rafeal
for somereason... "
july 27th
Shawn wrote:
"well... soon off to eiseanch... train leaves in hour and 15...
going to the station as soon as im done with this... last night was
good... had tea with some people ate dinner went back to the hostle
and had some more absinth and beer... just hung out for a little bit,
then nic (the guy with the typewriter) and i decided to walk to the
punk bar... took us like an hour to get there.... dunk kids are not
good navigators... so hung out there with some people from the hostle
listined to some good punk ska stuff... had some trouble with dunk natives,
bu tthe bar tender threw them out... came home and passed out... now
ready to head to eisenach for two nights (hopfully i can find a place...)
then back to berlin for a night or two... then to paris and then home...
july 25th
Shawn wrote:
"praha is an amazing city... just hanging out eating and drinking
the local flaves... last night hit the old absinth... tastes like shit
but gives you a really nice drunk... not so sloppy in a standered sense
but deffenatly drunk as a fish... take a spoon full of suger and wet
it in the drink... light it on fire till the suger carmelizes and quickly
stirr it in and slam it... you seariously can't breath for like 5 seconds
after... but it deffitally does the trick...went to this cool video
store with a balcony and a t.v. and beer, went again last night but
no movie just beer absinth and incedeary conversation... even in europe
i cant keep my mouth shut... whst worse is i was talking with other
californians who severly have that pc bull shit going on .... i seem
to tend to affend people rather easly... o well it was good conversation
despite... spent the last couple of mournings watching the sun come
up over a great view of the city... wandered the streets like kafka...
hes right it's imposible to leave praha... i was going to go south a
couple days ago but im still here... going to eisenach tommorow afternoon...
spend two nights there then another night in berlin... then im taking
a night train to paris so that i wont have to worry about paying for
too much in paris ... got to really wathc the funds at this point...
so that will give me a whole day in paris to see the few things i want,
and since the plane eheck in is at 4am i won't have to pay for a room
that night either.... so it all works out.. i think i still have enough
francs left over to get by without having to take any more cash out...
and i got enough dms to get by for a day in geramny... so i think everythings
cool... i been drawing a little here and just having amazing conversation...
i want to spend the time in berlin and eisenach to do a little self
intospection and stuff before i jump back into my life... this whole
trip has been a giant long deep breath... except for a couple of hectic
moments... but all around a good r and r trip... gota get focused and
relaxed for the harsh months to come... tonight going for tea, maybe
see a movie and back to that cool punk rock ska club... then back here
to sleep a little before my 6 hour train ride to the old family stomping
grounds and haven of martin luther... "
july 24th
Shawn wrote:
"had a good couple of days... cheep beer is the devil... it cheeper
than water or soda... like 50 cents... and believe me i have been taking
advantage of it... went on the walking tour, really great, the guide
was excellent... ended up back at the hostle kinda tired and bored...
not sure what to do... some chick who looks exacttly like hanna was
cutten hair to make some cash... so i got me head shaved... yay that
month of growth was really starting to get to me... went upstarts to
take a shower and rinse of the hair.... and some girl was talking about
some like it hot and i started to disagree with her... so we got in
this big debate about film... long story short i ended up going with
her and some other girl and this cool guy from bolder to a punk/ska
bar full of skinheads and punks and shit... a great fucking place, drank
till like 8am and wnt to bed... got up in the afternoon and picked up
my laundry and wandered the city for a while.... picked up a pizza on
the way back... met the same people again, we went to this video store
the chick works at, renter cecil b. demented and watched it there...
they have this loft with couches and a tv and beer on tap... fucking
brillint... went to the acropolis had a drink i left before them...
too many people and shitty big beat house crap... tommorow going to
check out a photo excibit and see a few more of the sites and maybe
go see memonto at this cool theater... then thursday off to chesky krumolov...
to see more cool stuff and the largest collection of egon schille....
july 22nd
Shawn wrote:
" another day in prague... went to a msueam (no really!) that had
an exzibit of famous american artists... some cool mike kelly pieces
and his videos with paul mcarthy... heidi 1 and stuff... fucked up...
good surevay... carroll dunham, mathew barney, and that one proformance
artists chick who did all the big electronic signs like they use for
advertising any displaying wierd fucked up comments on society, power
and control issues, and other typical high brow artists crap... good
show... wondered around, was going to go to the jewish cemetary and
stuff, but it was increadably expensive (even in real us dollers...
like 30 bucks to see everything...) and mobbed with tourists... so i
opted to see the 'free' museam of the Golem... basically some baddly
done paintings illustratiing mayber 500 words about the golem legend
and rabbi whats his name... and a little diorama of the golem hosting
their evening meal... neato... just kinda wandered around... sat in
a couple of parks and drew... drank a few beers... got a pizza for like
2.5 bucks... went to another park and watched the sun set and read for
a while... i don't think i've talked to anybody today except when i
paid for my bed and dropped off some laundery at reception... yay clean
laundry on tuesday! and anly 200 kc... so like 7 bucks for all of my
stuff except what i'm wearing now... going to stay here maybe two more
days and then down south to this small town with the egon schille museam
and castles... then up back to prague for a nite and off to eisenach...
as long as i can figure out how to get there... and then probably back
to the hell that is paris and outy to ca. "
july 21st
Shawn wrote:
"today is a better day... got up in time.. yay me... went to the
clown and bard... the hostle i had reservations for to began with...
got a bed... went out and saw... the national museam, the charles bridge,
but didn;t walk across it too many fucking tourists.. i'll go at night...
the kafka museam... some gallery having an exzibit on grafitti in the
chezk rep... a few galleries with horrible art... the design center
with some cool stuff on printing and book illustrations, and a selection
of popular arias... walked by a small beer gardern playking punk on
the sound system so i think ill walk back there... also watched the
sun set in the same park with a panaramic view of prague... long but
great day... only bad part is i lost track of my canadian friends they
never checked in (no pun) hmmm... maybe i;ll bump into them... much
better day then yesterday... "
july 20th
Shawn (managed to grace us with his presence) wrote:
"it has been a bitch of a day... missed my train... got another
one wich was delayed by an hour... it's raining... lost my hostle reservations...
paying too much tonight for a bed... can't find anywhere to eat cause
everything is cloased... i owe all of this to getting way to plastered
last night at some party... so i overslept... which is why i missed
my train.. fuck... tommorow is another day yes..."
july 18th
Shawn wrote:
"not sure if the last update ever made it... anyway the rundown
of berlin... have been to a protest protesting the inability of an anti
love parade protest... get it... thats belrin in a nut shell... have
seen some sights... the east side gallery... the richestag... the brandenburg
gate, the tiergarten... spending a lota time wandering around kroizeburg...
the area where the hostle is, very multiculturel and very punk rock...
oi oi oi... ha... thinking of heading to the check p. charlie to�night...
been doing a lot of wandering, drawing, and drinking... hanging out
with cool people at the hostle.. have had my own tour guide through
kristy... (whats with all the ausies i meat with a name starting with
k?) shes nice and cool and has a boy friend in liezpeg... ohh whetever...
girls are trouble anyway... there are more certain things in life...
like bier, jagermiester, and more bier... (that was last night... ohhh
head hurts a little... ughh) as eric was once known to say "send me
your sisters..." would you have problems with that going through customs?
i wonder... going to prague on frieday and getting out before the love
parade starts... fucking thousands of ravers all decending on berlin
to fuck, get bombed, and trash the city. and then go back home leaving
berlin to clean up the rubish... its all so very mtv... whatever...
everyone in s.r. send adam a big what the fuck chuck to not answering
any of my emails... [email protected]
try and see some sights tomorow... maybe going to a jazz club tonight...
called the A train... a night of modern jazz or somthing... miss copenhagen...
berlin is a strange and skitzophrenic place... almost get beat down
by the cops for taking their picture... until i told them i didn�t speak
german... i guess it's verboten to take pictures of bridges, imp. public
buildings, and the cops... their kinda scary here... and their everywhere...
get harrased by a group of turkish girls... screaming in my face in
a pidgen of german and turkish... a little disconcearning... a load
fuck off sent them running... they had to be like 15... "
july 16th
Shawn wrote:
"havn't really been doing much... went to the richestag today as
Well as the guggenhiem and the brandenburg gate... seen some shows...
went to a couple of protests... mostly been just hanging out with the
two canadians i met in copenhagen and an ausi named kate i met here
in berlin... everyone give me some simpathy... im feeling a little meloncholie
today, and have been using shite german internet connections for 3 days
now... "
july 14th
Shawn wrote:
"went to a supposdly punk club last night... turned out to be ultra
hip german rock-a-billy wanna be,s really funny to see forigners trying
to live americana... ended up wandering around the mitte area, poking
heads into squat houses and strange ally-ways till 5am... was with the
two kids from canada that i met in copenhagen and a punk rock girl from
austraila named christy who works at the hostle... decent nite... just
wandering around the neigerbor hood around the hostle today.. might
go to a punk\ska show tonight..."
july 13th
Shawn wrote:
"am now in Berlin... have only been in for a couple of hours...
got on the train in copenhagen at 7:30am long long train ride... and
the 2nd train was like 40 min late... i thought i was going to lose
my reservations at the hostle... im meeting up with a couple of canadan�s
i met at the copenhagen hostle... cool people... hung out yesterday...
they got screwed and couldn�t get to the hostle till 11pm tonight...
but they gave me some d-marks to pay for their rooms... like every where
is booked... lucky for us the love parade got pushed till next weekend...
last thing i want is to be in the middle of some huge fucking feastival
surronded by people who celebrate love of all things... the nerve...
some one should stop these fiends... saw the one of the best live shows
of my life last night at the jazz club... just amazing... (this key
board is funny... the z and the y are switched... i have to type real
slow or it makes gibberish... fucking forigners and their stupid backwards
keyboards...) any way don�t know what im going to do here yet... but
after im done doing it it�s off to prage... "
july 12th
Shawn wrote:
"so im still in copenhagen... woke up a little late to catch my
train... so im just staing for another night... go early tommorow to
berlin... all ya'all wish me luck on finding somewhere to sleep... i'm
hopping the love festival is over... so that will cut back on the tourists
a little... had a total anziety (spelling what?) attack last night...
europeans have no sence of personal space... just sitting in the jazz
club after the first set, waiting for the second band to play... it
was hot... and everyone kept bumping into to me, stepping on my feet,
standing way way to close... it was really hot, really load... some
girl tried to steal my bag... and i just kinda lost it for a few seconds...
ughh... didn't do anything drastic... just sat there and chain smoked
till the band started to play... that made things better... went to
the dansish design institute, they had an exzibit of sound design...
and a show of etypes new typograpic offerings... really great... then
wandered into an old church that had been converted into an art gallery,
with an amazing survay of cindy sherman work... they even were showing
her film 'office killer' i highly recomend it... i think you can rent
it... buy the way im on the look out for a copy of the c.d. that comes
with the cindy sherman book 'murder mystery people' it's by the glove
compartment, featuring gian carlo feleppa... went back to the jazz club
and went to the hostle... a preatty lax day... not sure whats in store
for today... the weathers kinda shitty... but at least it's not so hot...
it feels like i've been in europe for months now... in a way i could
totally go home now happy... reaching the saturation point you know?
(and really itching to get back in the studio... some people talk about
missing their beds, or pets, or t.v. i miss the studio...) anyway...
email me [email protected]
and let me know any ideas for berlin... "
july 11th
(ok i just got this today for some reason, despite it being sent on
the 5th)
Shawn wrote:
"another fucking hot ass day in amsterdam... the dutch have an
incredable sense for the visual... both their graphic design and their
graff kick frog butt... wandered around last night dwntown and red light
district. learning to never make prolonged eye contact as it will provoke
offers of cocanie ex, pills, and herion... have been accoused of being
German severl times... hah... pall mall filters taste so much better
here then in the states. hung out at the end of the evening with Mary
and Peggy... had a few beirs and taked about punk rock, the midwest,
and relationships... i secoured a room in the same place again tonight.
the inn keeper is super cool and it has showers... a little more then
a hostle, but it's a sure deal... and i can stash my backpack. probably
check out the remberant museam and see if i can find some gallerys to
peak at... tommorow i'm headin g off to either copenhagen or berlin...
at this point im leaning towards copenhagen... i think i might head
straight to Prage and hit germany on the way back. well see... "
ok, my IMC service died, thats why. flood of news for j00
"any readers of thomas pynchon's novel 'crying of lot 49' may find
it ammusing that the danish post offices have a golden horn as their
logo... all thought its a curved horn (like a french horn i think) and
it has no stopper... also i've noticed that radioheads fan club address
is called w.a.s.t.e. funny yes? also note that today while walking around
copenhagen i saw a women that resembled a klingon from that star trek
show... full facial ridge going on, plus one of the most amazing una-brows
going on... it bled right into her head hair and into an amazing set
of mutton chops (for a women anyway.. copenhagen is indead a strange
and wonderfull place... i want to move here, rent a little apartment
on one of the cannals, that used to be some kind of military naval base
or shipping wherhaus... fill it with elegant scandinavian furniture,
sparse, simple, and understaded... date a buetifull danish girl who
has her own place close enough to walk to yet far enough away that she
might forget where i live when we break up (keeps the pet-murder rate
and the angrey-ex-girlfriend-slitting-your-throat-in-your-sleep- rate
down you know) go out at night to see live jazz and drink carlsbug...
work at some chic design company or in one of the contempory galleries...
durning the rest of the time wandering around and working in my studio
(also filled with chic understaded skandinavian furnishings...) that
would be a good life, yes?"
"went wandering yesterday... spent some money (bad bad consumer
bad)... saw some cool outdoors jazz concerts and a midget military marching
band... (well they might of been children, but those midgets are a crafty
bunch, maybe they just WANT you to think there children...) wandered
into this complex housing a photograpy museam and a contempory art museam...
(the differernce between exzibit and gallery is addmision... galleries
are free museams cost money... at least thats my reasoning) the photo's
were all from 65 to 68 and of rock starts... mostly the who and the
rolling stones... the contemporary stuff had a large kind of 'the best
of danish video artists' thing really great and some massive wall charcole
and grapite drawings of sex orgies... neato... walked over to Christiania...
a hippy/punk self sustaining community on a lake.. kinda dissopointed
by all the fucking hippy market hemp dope shit... but i guess tourists
are good incom for anarchist states... they DID have however a fucking
hughe indoor skate park... my jaw drops in awe even thinking about it...
and cheep good pizza by the slice... imagine the gutter kids in berkly
spanning the generations with a skate park no cops and stands that sell
weed... i would of taken pictures but i was told that they tend to not
take so kindly to that... ie i didn't want to get the shit beat out
of me... i did however take mad pictures all day... started lying on
the ground and sticking my camera into holes and lots of graffiti...
people were statring to stare at me kinda funny... i don't know if this
is a good thing or not... but only like 2 people the whole time here
thought i was american... i've been labled as english, german, and dutch
so many times... do i blend in so well? or is it the fact that i probably
now smell like a true forigner? anyway rounded out the night at the
studenterhuset and watched
two really excellent jazz bands go at it... the first one, the better
of the two, sounded like a cross between mogwi, radiohead (amnisaic)
and test type trio... to bad (or good for shawns bank account) they
didn't have c.d.'s... after their set the drummer had to leave for anouther
gig so the bass (upright, and electric) player and piano/electric organ/sampler
player jammed for like half an hour... then the bass player came over
next to my table and started jammen on the upright to the piped jazz
music on the house speakers... the second band was good but not nearly
as interesting... walked back to the hostle (read as stumbled) got a
hot dog at the 7/11 (they are everywhere here...) and went to bed...
somthing to be said for a city that one can't help but hear jazz on
any given day... today going to do some more walking... maybe check
out a few more art galleries and stuff... it's kinda raining so that's
a drag but at leasts it's cooled down a bit... i'm thinking that instead
of going straigh to Berlin i might go over the bay to Malmo, Sweaden
and spend a night there... supposed to a cool small city with a good
scene... then back down to copenhagen for a night then off to berlin...
//how many people are actually reading this... mom if you are... email
me... i,m not sure if i have your correct email address... "
alright, email shawn here: [email protected]
or [email protected]
do it. i said DO IT! ill cut you!
july 10th
Shawn wrote:
"had the best day in like forever yesterday... said bye to Kate...
shes going to Sweden and then off
to thiland then back to austraila...
home of mad max and the croc
hunter... and don't forget vegemite
ugghhh... thing # 342 i learnded while in europe,
people acutally EAT vegemite...
and they Like it... no really... i'm not kidding... anyway, jumped on
a train north to the lousina... it's so fucking amazing... i am jack's
sense of super-awe... it's situated on a cliff overlooking a panarama
of the sea... small little ponds full of birds and trees and shit...
one of the best collections of modern and contempory art i've seen in
a while... sol
jim dine, jasper
johns, rothko,
anne libowitze,
tons of kick ass danish artisths whous names i could never pronounce
without a chest cold, and an amazing exzibit of sigmar polk and anselm
kiefer... the museam itself is buetifull part old mansion and part kick
ass contempory structure... amazing grounds with famous schulpture everywhere,
cheap beer, and little tree houses and forts (think like a 5 year old
and imagine a pirate
camp on the shore of a hidden lake with secreat passages, drawbriges,
and towers...) also a large collection of gicomette sculpture and prints...
one of the most amazing places i have ever seen... came home and chilled
at the hostle for a while figuring out stuff... went out wandering the
streets for a while and found this amazing bar playing live jazz...
avant meets progressize... some good shit man... sat up on a ledge (there
was nowere else to sit) and had a perfict view of the band and the crowd...
this place is like the best aspects of the Pheonix and the Inn of the
beginning mixed together with cheep good bear, smoking inside, and a
cowd that ranged from young trendy students to old jazz hipsters in
suits... a fucking blast... after the show, and a few pints of Carlesburg...
stumbled home and passed the fuck out... today im just going to wander
around and check out a couple of design and art museams and some hippy
anachist colony... (these radicals in the late 60's jsut kinda moved
in to an abandoned military base, and said hell no we won't go, and
the danish goverment just let them self govern... now it's a fully self
sustaining community... the danish rock! can you imagine this kind of
going down in like d.c. and the president just leting them be cool?
oooo.... and danish women have got to be the most fucking amaziningly
good looking girls in the world... i'm sorry france, you once again
lose this round of who's the shit in europe...
i could totally live here... california is going to seem so bland when
i get back...
//note: op. ivy coffe cigeretts and not being in the states is the best
cure for a hangover ever... end; "
july 9th
Shawn wrote:
"had a good night... went wandering looking at statues and stuff...
drank a few pints, and ended up in a church... heard some singing and
walked in (forgeting it was sunday and all) sat down to listin and wham
a preacher guy jumps out from nowere and speaks the message of jesus
in dansih at midnight to a drunken tourist... strange... but i felt
it rude to leave in the middel so i sat there admiring the sculpture...
listened to more singing and walk back to the hostle to bed... so many
preatty girls! but yours trully has better things to do in europe then
chase skirt... like drink and go to church... besides i don't know any
good danish pick up lines... hah..."
hey look! shawn's not the only retard!
"someone who also likes to travel... and has gotten jacked... from
k10k and //my
favorite blog in the whole wide world...
july 8th
Shawn wrote:
"had a calm night, drank a few pints of carlsberg in a pub down
the st. from the hostle... decided i'll just stay tere since it's nice...
hanging out w\ kate //the nice girl from last night going to the old
pallace and probably see some jazz.. and hopfully buy some shorts! "
He also HREF'd this
"spent the day wandering around with kate... too bad shes got a
boy friend that she doesn't stop talking bout... he works on an oil
rig in nigera... anyway we went on a boat canal tour, and i drank beer...
and went to a couple of old churces.. old big ones... and saw live jazz...
had dinner and talked politics, religeon, race relations, life, art,
culture in the advent of globel desaster (like in mad max, she is an
oz'y after all) and stuff... this girl is so cool... she trained for
a maraton just because... travels all over... is a total babe... and
most imp. holds intellegent conversation... a great person to spend
the day with, shes been a total help... tommorow if it's not raining
i'm off on a day trip to the louisiana
museam of modern art to see the anselm kiefer and sigmar polk shows...
its 35 km north of copenhagen... going out tonight to have a few pints...
beir is cheep here with amerikan money.. yay for living in a superpower...
kate leaves tommorow :( so far northern europe 2 france 0 france loses
this round and is banished to listing to german folk music for eternity...
j uly 7th (cont.)
Shawn wrote:
"got into copenhagen... after like 12+ hours of travel time...
i had a good trip though... mets lot of people on the different (that
means 3) trains... a real cool family on the last train who gave our
poor parched hero some water... some how they knew... but how? could
it of been the empty water bottle... the frutile search for the mini-bar...
the trip to the bathroom with the waterbottle that ended with an empty
bladder and an equaly empty water bottle (i guess they use reclaimed
water to wash hands with... if i can�t drink it why do i want to wash
my hands with it?) anyway i got some water... cool people rock... got
into copenhagen and found a hostle right away... and have reservations
for the rest of the night... so things are good (except for this dam
danish keyboard with all the symbols in wierd places and extra funcion
keys like the �alt Gr� key...) met a chick at the hostle on the bed
next to mine... she stuck up a conversation, and told me how to get
around paris and cool things to do... she also gave me a phone card
and some metro tickets... she also pointed me in the dirrection of this
ultra cheep internet cafe thing... which is full of danish magic and
pokemon freeks... but cheep is cheep... i guess there's a jazz festival
going on right now so i guess i'll just have to listen to some jazz,
poor poor me..."
july 7th
Shawn wrote:
"slept a lot last night... didn't realise how tired i was, went
to take a neap around 7pm and wake up at 7am ... catching a train in
an hour to copenhagen, got reservations for 5 days, but not tonight
so lets all hope i find somthing... got to the contemporty museam, it
rocks, highly recomend it... went to the van gough but it had a line
that put disney land to shame... so fuck it... getting ready for a 12hour
train ride, yippee... hope to just chill in copenhagen and then to berlin
for 5 days, prahah for 6, then over to Eisenach germany for a day and
back to paris... for whats left... hoping to day trip to Leizpig while
in Berlin... thanks to jessica for the suggestions... didn't make it..."
july 6th
Shawn wrote:
"well... it was the best of times it was the worst of times...
had an increadable evining... started out in my room (on the you know
what...) just chilled out and listened to music while the shrooms
took effect... after a while, i get a knock on the door... had to really
maintain composure... not used to the laid back atmosphere... anyway...
it was Mary... she couldn't get out till the next day, and she wanted
to crash on the floor... we ended up hanging out with the very cool
inkeeper for a while... then went for a drink... the innkeeper had a
spare room so he gave it her... men are always suckers for a preaty
girl! spent some time wandering around and went back to my room and
drew in my sketch book for a while, saw some kind of mad gang like street
brawl with like 20 french speaking blacks, who kept throwing in english
phrases like 'motherfucker i'll kill you fool' and stuff... decided
it was time to go to bed...
and now the rest of the story...
shawn is a stupid stupid man... while on dugs he forgot to lock his
hotel door... someone must have gotten in through the main door (which
is locked) and stole all the cash out of my wallet (~100 gilders and
25 franks) (38.3846 USD + 3.22386 USD
-p3) and the room key... then i couldn't get the night train to
so i have to take the mourning
train, which means i'm staying here another night, and getting there
in the evening... so finding a place might be difficult... ughh... i
have a list now like a mile long of things to do and not do...
1. bring skateboard!
2. bring shorts... (for some reason i thought it was cooler here)
3. lock hotel room...
4. etc...etc...etc...
well at least they didn't get all of my cash, or my passport, or my
c.c. could be worse...
well since i have all day here... im going to check out the contemporary
art museam and maybe the van
gough museam..."
july 5th
Shawn wrote:
rocks... it's small enogh that you can walk around the whole town in
a day, which is what i did. spent a while finding the remberent house.
they have set it up almost exactly as it was when he lived there, thanks
to an inventory that an auditor did when he went bankrupt. They've set
up his print shop and still use it to pull prints. it took a lot of
self control to not grab a scribe and go at a plate... ooo... the presses!
then went to the modern art museam which was kinda lame.... these europeans
have a fetish with gestril abstraction in bright bright colors that
i really do not understand... some really large monotypes, and a lot
of video work that were cool, as well as a large jean dubofe (not spelt
right im sure) retospective... found a contempory art museam on the
walk back to the hotel... it was closed might check it out tommorow
depending on when i take off... i could spend weeks here... i think
im heading off to copenhagen next... these scandinavian people are really
cool, so fuck the french... also spent some time near a large fountin
in a park the thing must have been like 500 yards long, kids and dogs
splashing around... put my tired feet in and relaxed for a while...
really a buetiful site with all the old buildings and museams and people.
did i mention that the fact the europeans have 25 cigeretts to a pack
makes them far supearior to americans? even amerikan brands taste better,
it must be those other 5 in the pack that makes all the difference.
finally decided to do the whole amsterdam thing right... bought a very
small amount of chill 'shrooms and hangin out in my room, with some
walking around. i figured if i didn't i wouldn't feel like i did the
whole town justice. hah... "
july 4th
Shawn wrote:
"just got into amsterdam...
train ride from hell... spent yesterday in paris...
got onto the wrong bus, then got off in some wrong location... ended
up in montparness... couldn't find a room anywhere. tried to call silvanie's
friend Caroline but she never answered... after hours of sleap-indouced
stuped coupled whith stress and fatigue wandering around montparness
and the latin courter, finally found a small hotel room w/ a shower...
kinda expensive, but better then sleaping in a park. got a bottle of
wine and went to bed. got up in the mourn and hoped on the Metro to
Gare du Nord and bussed to Amsterdam...
the conectiing train was canciled and had to wait 1.5 hours. met a coupled
aof cool chics mary and peggy, they new a hotel in amsterdam and we
got a room for cheep... they wnet out and im here writttin this, keyboard
sucks and it's making my hands hurt... i'll spend tommorw here and maybe
anouther day depending on if i can find a room.... "
july 3rd
no word from shawn i assume he was taken captive by foreigners please
mail ransom money to my home address and ill make sure it gets to the
right place. oo oo oo, mail chocolate too! changed his email addy to
[email protected]
july 2nd
shawn leaves for europe
today @ 4:15pm from Santa
Rosa, CA
